Ch. 11

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He's still laying on my chest when I wake up. I run my fingers through his hair and feel him grip me tighter. His hand is under my shirt, on my bare thigh. It feels nice. I've always loved cuddling with him, ever since we were babies. We've always been inseparable. I feel him stir and he looks up at me.

"Morning." I smile. He smiles lightly and grips onto me tighter.

"Did you sleep alright?" I ask. His thumb rubs against my thigh, giving me goosebumps. He nods and keeps looking at me.

"I'm sorry... for everything. I should've listened to you. I shouldn't have let her back in. I'm sorry I split us apart." He says. I sigh and look away from him. I haven't really forgiven him yet but I knew he needed me. He grips my thigh, making me shiver.

"Look at me." He whispers. I sigh but give in.

"Please forgive me. These past few months have been literal hell without you. I'm sorry." He kisses my neck, up to my nose. He stares down at me and something in me kind of shifts. I see his eyes shift to my lips. He starts to lean down and my breath hitches in my throat. My hands are still in his hair so I bring him closer and our lips connect. I feel like the air is being sucked out of my lungs. Why does kissing my best friend feel so good? He suddenly pulls away and moves away from me. Ok?

"I-I'm sorry. That shouldn't have happened." He whispers.

"It's ok... we can just act like it didn't happen. I mean we've known each other for 22 years, it was bound to happen." I tell him. Why do I miss the feeling of his lips on mine?

"Let's go get something to eat and we can spend the day doing whatever you want." I smile, even though it kind of hurts that he moved away so quickly, like I burned him. He nods so we get up and go to my kitchen. He's just in his boxers and I'm wearing his shirt.

"Omelets?" I ask. He nods, looking away from me.

"Niall, we don't need to make this awkward. It's really ok." I tell him.

"I know. I'm still sorry." He sighs but I shrug.

"Like I said, it was bound to happen."

We spend the day watching movies and eating. I could tell he felt bad but it really isn't a big deal. We're still the same old Niall and Andie. I still want to cuddle with him and be there for him.


It's been a week since Niall showed up at my door. Things, thankfully, aren't awkward and we can still be our normal selves. I've been working from home but I'm going back today. I called Hailee, telling her to come to my office to give the ring back. I don't know how much Niall spent on it nor what he'll do with it once he gets it back. Can you return a ring? I'm not sure how that works.

"Hey I'm leaving." He's still in bed. He literally never leaves my side so I'm not sure how today will go.

"Promise me something?" I lean over him and he nods.

"Get up, shave, shower, do something productive. I hate seeing you like this. Go for a run to clear your head. I know you like to do that. I don't want to find you in this bed when I get back this evening. Ok?"

"I'll try I guess." Better than nothing. I kiss his forehead then leave. Hailee is supposed to be meeting me for 9 and it's already 8:30. I decide to walk to work, since it isn't a far walk. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to the building. I love coming here everyday.

"Morning, Andie. Your 9 o'clock is here." Katie says. She's early.

"Ok give me a few minutes then send her in." She nods and I walk into my office. I really don't want to deal with her but I don't want Niall to have to do this. He's been through too much already. There's a knock at the door and I stand as she walks in.

"Hi Andie." She says.

"Hailee." I don't even bother to be polite. I move from behind my desk so I can stand in front of her. Usually, I'm 5'7" but in heels I'm a good 5'11" so it's quite nice that I tower over her. I hold out my hand for the ring and she sets it in my palm. I'm quit intimidating when I need to be.

"You may go now." I set the ring in its little box.

"How is he?" She asks instead of listening to me.

"Why do you care?" I fold my arms.

"I still love him, Andie. That didn't change over night." I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Clearly it did when you cheated on him. Twice. Now please leave before I call security." I step closer to her, hoping to intimidate her. It works.

"Tell him I'm sorry. That I still love him and I feel so stupid for letting him go." She says and turns to leave.

"Why? Why did you do it?" I ask her before she walks out.

"I-I don't know. A part of me was jealous, I guess. I saw how he looked at you. He would always talk about you and every time you would walk in the room, his eyes were on you. It got irritating." She explains.

"Ok? That doesn't give you the right to cheat on him, twice. You could've just broken up with him." I say.

"I know. I wish I would've. Look, Andie, don't let him go. Don't be stupid, like I was. He really loves you, more than he ever loved me. I knew from the very beginning, his heart was yours. It always has been but neither of you realize that. Don't lose him. He's worth it. All of it." She tells me then leaves. What the hell? Where did that come from? Everyone thinks he loves me but I just don't see it. That kiss was just a lapse in judgment but man... i would kiss him again. Ugh no I can't be thinking like that. He's my best friend. That's it.

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