Ch. 5

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I packed my dress and heels in a separate bag so I wouldn't have to wear them all day. Niall is staying at the hotel until later. I had to be at the gallery for 7 and the show doesn't start until 1. It's almost 12, everything going well and all of the models showed up on time.

"Katie, I'm going to get ready!" I yell. She gives me a thumbs up. I grab my bag and head into one of the dressing rooms. I quickly change into my dress and do my hair and makeup. There's a knock on the door and Niall walks in.

"Tell me why I just saw Hailee making out with one of your models?" He whispers. I immediately stop what I'm doing and run over to him.

"I walked into the dressing room next to this one and she was sitting on his lap, practically having sex with him. I- what did I do wrong?" Oh my poor baby...

"Baby, you did nothing wrong. This is all on her. Don't blame yourself, please." He puts his head in my neck and I run my fingers through his short hair. I can hear his sniffles. I have to stop myself from crying, I literally hate it when he cries. He holds onto me so tight, it's like he's afraid I'll disappear.

"Look at me. You are such a kind and loving person. You brighten up the room when you walk in and everyone loves you. I love you, ok? Please stop crying. I hate it when you cry." I wipe his tears with my thumbs and kiss his forehead.

"I'll be right back, ok?" He nods and sits on the couch. I angrily walk out of the dressing room and into the one next to it but she's not there. I groan and walk out.

"Hey, Eric? Can you help me with something? I need you to find Hailee Steinfeld and kick her out." I tell him, he's part of security.

"Will do, Andie." I thank him and go back into the dressing room. Niall is just staring at the wall. I walk over and sit on his lap. I hate this. I hate her.

"Hey baby." I whisper. He puts an arm over my thighs.

"Can we get Nando's after?" He whispers. I giggle and nod.

"We can get whatever you want. I hate to do this but I do need to finish getting ready. You can stay in here until it's time for the show. I'll make them reserve you a spot. I kicked her out so you won't have to see you." I tell him. There's a knock at the door and Katie comes in.

"I'm sorry but she's throwing a fit. And it's almost time to start." Great. I love that she's causing a scene.

"Ok I'll be out in a minute." She nods and closes the door. I stand up and fix my hair. I make Niall stand up and wipe his eyes some more.

"Forget about her. She's not important." I kiss his nose but he shrugs.

"Stay back here until Jack comes to get you. He'll take you to your seat, ok?" He slightly nods.

"I love you." I kiss both his cheeks, his chin, then his forehead. He kind of snaps out of his little trance and gives me a small smile.

"I love you, too." I squeeze his hand before walking out. I can hear her screaming. Dear lord she's annoying.

"Hailee!" I scream and she finally stops.

"I would very much appreciate it if you would calmly leave. You're only embarrassing yourself." I point to the many cameras around the gallery. She looks around and gets embarrassed.

"Screw you, Andrea! I hate you!" She spits but I only roll my eyes.

"Guys." I motion. They grab her and literally drag her out of the building.

"Mi dispiace per questo, goditi un po 'di vino!" (I'm so sorry about that, please enjoy some wine!) I smile and quickly walk back stage. The show is about to start. I see Niall in his seat but I know he's so sad. He's putting on a front because of the reporters but it breaks my heart to see.

"è tempo!" I yell. I like the models up and they start walking when the music starts playing. I can't help the giant smile on my face. It's actually going by pretty quickly and very well. I can tell everyone is impressed.

"Andie, everything is going so well!" Katie whispers as the 8th model walks out.

"It is! I'm so happy!" I grab Jonas' hand and smile. He did help me design some of them. I look out and see Niall, smiling. I'm glad he's enjoying the show.

"Presentazione della signorina Vallanzasca e del signor Kensley!" (Introducing Miss Vallanzasca and Mr Kensley) I guess that's our cue! We walk out and smile. I look down at Niall, who is clapping, and I blow him a kiss. He winks at me and gives me a big smile. The models come back out for one final loop. I wipe a stray tear and hug Jonas. Mr. Armani also walks down the runway and gives us hugs and kisses. I can't believe we did it. It's been two years in the making and we finally did it. I sigh, tears of happiness threatening to spill over. We walk back down the runway and I hug Katie.

"We did it!!" I yell and she laughs.

"It was amazing. You two did a great job. Now it's time for some interviews." She smiles. I groan, dreading this part. I've never liked talking to press.

"favoloso! voi due siete stati fantastici!" Mr. Armani says. (Fabulous! You two did great!)

"Grazie!" I smile. He smiles back before walking off. Jonas and I walk back out to the front so we can talk to reporters. I see Niall and run to hug him. He catches me and spins me around.

"You did amazing, darlin. I'm so proud of you." He whispers in my ear.

After he sets me down, I have to go to interviews. Luckily, it only lasts an hour then Niall and I leave. My feet are killing me and I want to get out of this dress.

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