Ch. 26

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Tonight is the last concert for the North American tour. The European tour starts in September but we are already exhausted. Niall falls asleep any chance he gets, even if it's for five minutes. All of this traveling really takes a toll on you. I'm mentally and physically drained, and so is he. The entire crew is drained. We're leaving for Ireland tomorrow and we'll stay at his house until it's time for the second half of tour to start. We haven't seen his family in months and I miss my sister. I need a Matron of Honor. Hadley got married when she was 20 and has a 2 year old girl. She's still in school, working on her doctorate. She's three years than me but we've always been close. Mum treated her the same way. I never understood why they decided to have her but I'm glad they did. I don't know what I would do without her.

"Rea! Have you seen my watch?" Niall calls out. He's literally about to walk on the stage. This boy drives me crazy.

"Here. You dropped it earlier." I place it on his wrist then give him a kiss.

"What would I do without you?" He winks before running on. Honestly, I have no clue. It's amazing he's survived without me. He started wearing a ring on his left hand as well. I didn't question it but I like that he decided to, just so people know he's taken. Everyone has asked about it but he hasn't said the reason for wearing it. Everyone now knows we're together but they don't know we're engaged. They've all seemed very happy about us and a lot agree that it's taken too long. I still get some hate but I ignore it. I've been getting it since the world found out I am Niall Horan's best friend. It's quite a grand title, according to the millions of fan girls around the world. I just ignore them, it's much easier.

"Hey, A, can you help me pack? This boy made such a mess." Alex asks. He is quite messy.

"Yes, Cmon." I laugh and we go into the dressing room. I shove all of his clothes into the suitcase as she packs up the makeup and hair products. I'm ready for a break. I miss Ireland, it's home. He has a home in Dublin, basically out in the middle of nowhere so we'll get a lot of privacy.

By the time we finish cleaning and packing, it's time for him to run off the stage. He always wants me to meet him there but I don't mind. I walk back to the stage entrance/exit and wait for him to run off. He sees me waiting for him and blows me a kiss. I hear the crowd go absolutely bonkers. He blows them a kiss and thanks them again before running to me. He quickly hands someone his guitar and mic before kissing me. He usually does this so I'm not surprised.

"Hey darlin." He whispers when he pulls away. He usually leaves me dazed which always makes him smile.

"Hey." I whisper. I hate/love when he kisses me like that. He grabs my hand as we walk back to the room.

"Let me go shower then we'll leave. Ok?" I nod and he walks to the bathroom. We're both ready to leave and for some sleep. I know he'll be hungry so I go ahead and have some food delivered to the hotel. Once I place the order, I help Alex load everything on the truck. I have no clue where it'll be going but I keep his clothes.

"Ready, babe?" Niall comes out already dressed. I quickly nod. We bid everyone goodnight and jump into the cab. Traffic is going to absolute hell but I'm ready to leave. Luckily, we get a police escort so that's nice. Surprisingly, it only takes an hour to get back to the hotel. We quickly run in and I have security bring the food up.

"I ordered you some food, it should be coming up soon. I figured you would be hungry after the concert." I tell him once we get in the room.

"Thank you, baby." He kisses me.

"I'm going to have a shower. Save some food for me." I smile and grab a shirt along with some underwear.

"Hurry up! I'm hungry!" He yells as I walk in the bath. I take a long shower, trying to relax my muscles. I'm so exhausted, I could fall asleep standing here. I decide to get out a few minutes later then get dressed before going out.

"You ok?" He asks as I sit on the bed.

"Yea, just tired." I take one of his chips then lay down. He moves the rest of the food off the bed then takes his shirt and pants off before climbing back into bed with me. He pulls me into him, holding me tightly against him.

"Get some sleep. I love you." He kisses my forehead, making me smile.

"I love you."

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