Ch. 10

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It's been four months since our fight and I literally feel terrible without him. It feels as if I can't breathe. I hate it, I hate not talking to him. I hate not being able to see him and hug him. I've wanted to call him but once I found out he actually proposed, I knew there was no going back. They made it some big event, he proposed in front of the Eiffel Tower. So romantic.

The suits were released about two months ago. They're priced between $200-500, depending on the material. I'm still working on my formal dress line. It will include the dresses Katie and I wore to the gala. I've included three other dresses, another black one, a yellow, and an emerald one. I'm waiting to get them approved before I start designing more.

My office phone goes off and it's my boss. We talk about the new line and how things are coming. We're both excited for my dresses. My eye catches something on my computer. It reads "Hailee Steinfeld cheating on Niall Horan?"

'Uh hey, Manny, I have to go. I'll call you later.' I hang up the phone and click on the article.

'Hailee Steinfeld was caught in a steamy kiss with former lover, Cameron Smoller. Steinfeld, recently engaged to singer/songwriter Niall Horan, has been on the down low since we last saw her at Andrea Vallanzasca's fashion show in Milan. We recently learned this is where Steinfeld was caught making out with one of the models. Clearly, that didn't bother Horan since he later proposed. Seems like old habits die hard.'

Wow... that's... wow. Honestly I'm not surprised. I knew it would happen again and I told him it would. This is on him now. I roll my eyes and exit out of the article. It's getting late so I decide to head home.

"I'm heading home. Have a good night, Katie." I smile and head out. I decide to grab some food on the way home. I'm incredibly exhausted, all I want to do is take a nice bath and sleep. I grab my food and take the elevator up to my apartment. When I walk out of the elevator, someone is standing at my door.

"Niall? What are you doing here?" I walk closer to him. He looks up at me and I can tell he's been crying. I sigh and unlock my door, shuffling him inside. I set my food down on the counter top while he just stands by the door.

"Niall?" I say again. He sniffles but doesn't look at me.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to speak?" I ask, folding my arms.

"I'm sorry." He whispers so softly, I barely catch it.

"Listen I know she cheated, again, but I told you not to come here when she did. You did this to yourself." I'm not giving in. Yea, I feel bad for him but he did this to himself.

"Please... I need you." He sniffles.

"Niall... I don't know what you want me to do. I told you this would happen. But you decided not to listen to me and now you're heart is broken all over again." I say. He looks so broken and utterly destroyed. I hate seeing him like this... it breaks my heart.

"I- I know, I'm sorry. Please..." He begs. I sigh and give in.

"Come here." I walk closer to him and he literally falls into my arms. I hold him tight against me.

"I wish I would've listened to you..." He mumbles in my neck. I sigh but don't say anything. It's not the time for "I told you so".

"Why don't you go grab a shower, there's some clothes of yours in my room. I'll make you some food." I tell him. He nods and slowly lets go of me.

"Wait... I don't want to be alone." He whispers.
I nod, grabbing his hand and we go into my bathroom. I turn the shower on and grab a towel and wash cloth.

"I'll go grab some clothes while you get in." He slowly nods and I walk out. I grab some boxers for him then go back into the bathroom. He's still standing there, staring at the ground. I place my hand under his chin to make him look at me.

"Do you want me to help?" I ask him. He nods, not fully paying attention. I set his clean boxers down then take his shirt off. I take his shorts off next along with his boxers.

"Cmon, get in." He turns around and steps in.

"I'll be right outside, I'm just going to change." I tell him before walking out. I've seen him naked many times. Whether it was walking in on him or having to take care of him like now. He's done the same thing for me. I change into one of his shirts, he basically has his own drawer here. I walk into the kitchen so I can scarf my food down before he gets out of the shower. I save him half my burger and some chips.

How is it already 8? I sigh and go back into my room. The water still running so I'm assuming he's still in there. I undo my bed before turning Grease on. I'm hoping this will cheer him up. I hear the water shut off and he comes out a few minutes later. He climbs into bed and lays on my chest. I see his phone ring and of course, it's Hailee. He looks at it, debating if he should answer.

"Give it to me." He hands it over and I answer.

'Niall's phone.' I say.

'Andie? Where is he? Let me talk to him.' She says.

'Sorry, Niall doesn't want to talk to you. Don't bother calling him, ever again.' I tell her.

'Andie, please.' She begs.

'I'm sorry? Why are you begging to speak to him? You're the one who screwed up, again. He'd like the ring back so either mail it or I'll come get it but you're never seeing him again. Delete his number, delete everything you have of him off your phone.' I say.

'You can't keep us apart. We belong together.' Ugh I've always hated her voice. So nasally.

'If you did, why do you continuously break his heart? If you actually loved him, you wouldn't have broken his heart. He gives all he is, when he loves someone. You should've realized that. You don't deserve him. You don't deserve his love or his caring heart. Goodnight Hailee. I'll be expecting a call to get the ring back or I will find you.' I hang up and turn his phone off, setting it on the dresser.

"Thank you..." He whispers.

"Anything for you."

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