Ch. 28

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We've been here a week. We haven't gotten to see his parents yet because they've been on vacation and we've been resting. My sister, her husband, and Aoife are coming tonight. I'm excited, I haven't seen her in a while and I miss my niece.

I'm laying by the pool while Niall works on some things for the next half of the tour. I've been slyly looking at ideas for our wedding. Mainly at dresses. I have no clue where to have it at. Both of our families are huge. I already know we'll have to have security because of Niall and my family. I am the granddaughter of a famous mob leader and the whole world knows it.

"Hey, baby, we need to get ready!" Niall calls from the upstairs balcony.

"Ok!" I yell back then go inside. I grab one of his sweaters laying on the couch and slip it on. It's freezing in here. I head upstairs and walk into his office. He's slumped over his desk, starring at his computer. He then leans back and I can tell he's stressed.

"What's wrong?" I sit on his lap and wrap my arm around his neck.

"We're just trying to figure out the meet n greets and Lewis isn't on this part of the tour. They also want me to find time to record but I haven't written anything new yet. I don't even know if I want to go on another tour after this. I want to settle down with you and have a family." He sighs and puts his arm over my legs. I run my fingers through his hair and kiss him softly.

"I know you love touring but I also know it tires you out to the point you don't want anything to do with music anymore. Finish this tour and then we can decide, ok? I'll support you no matter what you decide." I tell him. I've seen how drained he gets during tours and he never gets a break. Music is his passion and I don't want him to give it up or get burnt out.

"The boys have also mentioned doing a reunion tour in a few years. On our 15th anniversary. What do you think?" He asks.

"Like I said, let's finish this tour then decide. I don't want you to get burnt out on something you love." I tell him. He sighs but nods in agreement.

"I know, you're right. I love you." He kisses me softly.

"I love you. Now, we have to start cooking. I'm thinking Nonna's famous carbonara? I think we have everything to make it. Then we have some gelato too." I say. He hums in agreement, making me roll my eyes.

"Aoife is staying with us for a few days. Can you set up her room? I asked Annie to get everything on Monday." I tell him. He nods but he's not paying attention. He's simply starring at his computer. I look at the screen and there's an email from Simon Cowell. What could he want?

'Mr. Horan,

With the 10 year anniversary of One Direction coming up, I would like a short video from each of you saying whatever you'd like about One Direction, as long as it's appropriate and not rude. I do understand none of you will be resigning your contracts but I hope one day we can make music together again.


That bastard. He was always an absolute prick to the boys. Their management was worse but they were getting their orders from him. It was his fault they split. He kept pushing for more music and tours so he could make money. They never let Niall sing much and it always pissed me off. And they made him dye his hair, repeatedly. He hated the blonde. Frankly, so did I. I shut the laptop and face him.

"Let's not worry about that right now. Come on. Our niece is coming soon." He just nods and looks down at my lap.

"Niall, look at me." I put my hand under his chin to make him look at me.

"Don't worry about that. You're on a break. Let's act like it." I kiss him before standing up, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. I can tell he's still worried though.

"Baby, don't think about that. Let's have a good night with our family, ok? I can make your favorite? Margarita pizza? Or do you want pasta carbonara?" I wrap my arms around his neck and play with his hair.

"Pizza... please." He mumbles.

"Come help me then. I need your great dancing skills." This gets him to laugh. I love his laugh the most. It's one of those you can hear before you see him.

"Good, now go get everything out while I go change." I tell him. He nods but doesn't let me go so I pull him in for a hug. Seems like he needs one. Niall hugs are best and you can't prove me wrong.

"Thank you, for calming me down. They just stress me out so much..." He tells me.

"I know, baby. It's ok. Now cmon, let's go cook."

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