Ch. 18

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Niall, Lewis, Alex, and I went out to eat then we split off so I can figure out what to get him for our friendiversary. I dragged Alex to help me but we aren't having luck. He's so hard to shop for because he has everything he could possible want.

"What about a scrapbook? You can have the photos printed and we can work on it during the concert?" She suggests.

"I love it. There's so many, like probably over 9,000. We took tons of pictures. I feel like I should do something else too." I say.

"I think the scrapbook will do just fine. He'll love it." I nod, agreeing. I go into my phone and find all of the pictures I want to print before finding a CVS to print them. By the time I'm done, there are 100. I did four from each age. We picked up some markers are cute little stickers so I can decorate it. This is going to take me forever so I need to start right as we get back.

"I really hope he likes this." I say as we get into our hotel room. I lay everything on my bed and sigh. I should've started this a while ago.

"He will. Get started!" She says. I climb on my bed and start taping the pictures to the sheets. I write the year and cute little notes next to a few of them. I manage to get through age 5 before there's a knock at the door.

"Tell him I'll come to his." I say, picking everything up so he doesn't see it. I hear her talking to him and I just know he's pouting. I quickly pack my suitcase and run to the door.

"I'm here." His face lights up when he sees me. He grabs my hand and drags me to his room, which is literally right next to mine.

"I missed you." He says as he slams me up against the door after he closes it.

"It's been 4 hours." I giggle. It probably hasn't even been that long.

"So? It's been even longer since I've kissed you." He brush's his lips against mine.

"Wait! I need a picture." I grab my phone and open the camera.

"Of?" He asks.

"Us." I say like it's common sense.

"Ok...? What do you want me to do?" He's so adorable.

"Just kiss me." He doesn't waste any time slamming his lips to mine. I quickly take a few pictures before putting my phone down so I can properly kiss him. He has me sandwiched between his body and the door so I can definitely feel everything. He picks me up so I can wrap my legs around him. I feel him walking then lay me on the bed and climb on top of me.

"I hate to be a buzz kill, but aren't we leaving soon?" I huff. I'm out of breathe and he's not helping by being this close to my lips. I feel drunk off his kiss. I see him look at the time then groan. Guess I'm right. I bring him in for one more hard kiss before pushing him off me. I can tell he's in a daze when I get up.

"I'll meet you downstairs, ok?" I say while walking to the door. He stops me by pulling me into him.

"That was rude." He pouts.

"I'm sorry." I pout then kiss him softly.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you." He kisses me one more times before letting me go but not before he can slap my butt as I walk away.

"Niall!" I yell in shock.

"What? That ass is mine." He laughs. I just roll my eyes and leave. What am I going to do with him?

Being with him, on this level, feels... I don't know. It's not like any of my past relationships. I know I'm in love with him. I think I always have been. He's always made me feel different. I've always been comfortable with him. He's always been there when I was crying over some boy. His touch calms me and always has. Being with him, in general, has always made me happier and I know he feels the same. It's funny we just realized our feelings for each other, after being best friends for 25 years. I really don't know what I would do without him.

He's my other half.

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