Ch. 9

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-Three months later-

It's the day of the gala. I'm currently getting ready with Katie and Jonas. He's our date. He's curling my hair as I do my makeup. We're running a little behind. It starts in about 20 minutes and no one is our dressed. Niall keeps texting me, asking where we were. He knows I take forever to get ready. I finish my makeup and put a crystal comb in it. Nonna gave it to be a while ago and I haven't had a chance to wear it.

"Ok you two go get dressed!" Jonas yells and shoos is out of the bathroom. Katie loved the black dress I created so I had it made for her.

Katie is engaged but her fiancée is in the military so he was unable to come tonight

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Katie is engaged but her fiancée is in the military so he was unable to come tonight. I take out my dress. No one has seen it.

"Andie... you look gorgeous." She says as I slip it on.

"Thank you! You look gorgeous as well!" Jonas comes out of the bathroom, dressed in one of the suits he designed a few years back

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"Thank you! You look gorgeous as well!" Jonas comes out of the bathroom, dressed in one of the suits he designed a few years back.

"You both look stunning. Shall we?" We nod and walk out of my apartment. He got us a limo,  even though the drive is only 20 minutes. I text Niall that we're almost there. I'm really excited! There's supposed to be a lot of people here tonight too! We get there and quickly get inside, as it starts to rain slightly. I see Niall walking up to the stage, I guess to make an announcement.

"Good evening, everyone! I just wanted to come and introduce myself, I'm Niall Horan. Thank you all for your generous donations. The Four Clover Charity was created about two years ago and it goes to helps children with cancer. All of tonight's donations will go to them, I'm not the type to keep money for myself. Thank you so much for coming tonight and please enjoy yourselves!" He says and everyone claps. I make my way towards him. He sees me walking to him and his jaw drops to the floor. I giggle and close it when I get close enough to him.

"Yo-you look... damn... I- wow..." He looks me up and down, drinking me in.

"Fuck..." He sighs.

"Do I look that bad?" I ask. I damn well know I don't look bad, I look sexy as hell.

"What? No! No! You're absolutely stunning." He tells me.

"Oh yes I know, come on, let's dance." I grab his hand and he blindly follows me to the small dance floor. They're playing Perfect by Ed Sheeran but it's the Andrea Bocelli version. I am in love with this song. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Sorry I'm late, it took time to look this good." I giggle.

"It's ok, and yes you do look good." He looks me up and down again.

"Where did Katie and Jonas go?" He asks.

"No clue, I saw you and left them." I shrug and he laughs.

"I'm proud of you. Of what you created. You're doing something amazing and I know you hate getting credit for it but those kids need this. I wish I had all the money in the world so I could pay of every single child's treatments. No child deserves cancer." I say. His eyes stare into mine and he gives me a small smile.

"You really are amazing." He whispers. I roll my eyes and smile. The italian part of the song comes on and can't help but to sing along. Niall just stares at me as I sing a long. Our little "moment" is interrupted.

"Hey baby." I break out of my trance and see none of other than Hailee Steinfeld. Did she just call him baby?

"Hey, love." He lets me go and gives her a kiss.

"I love you suit, where did you get it?" She asks. Am I invisible?

"Oh uh Rea made it." Did I miss something? The last time I remember, she cheated and they weren't together anymore. Oh, and she cheated. Just want to emphasize that. I look at Niall, with my arms crossed, waiting for an explanation.

"Uh, Rea, hailee and I got back together. We met in Milan while you and I were there and had a long talk and everything I saw was a mistake. He came onto her and she was pushing him away as I walked in." He explains. Is he that dense? I give him a "What the fuck?" look. Does he seriously believe that bull?

"So you lied to me for months and didn't even have the audacity to tell me until now? When we're right in the middle of your gala? Wow..." I say. I'm trying not to blow my lid right now. How can he be this stupid to believe her? Everyone who has ever cheated gives that excuse!

"Rea, I-" I cut him off.

"No you don't get to call me that. Only my best friend gets to call me that and I have no clue who he is anymore. I'm done." I walk off. I can hear him calling for me but I just walk faster. I don't know if I'm more upset over the fact he lied to me or the fact that he got back together with her.

I run into the women's bathroom, knowing he can't follow me in here. It just blows my mind that he can just get back together with her. And not tell me? Some best friend he is.

The bathroom door flies open and he walks in. Why did I think coming in here would stop him? He locks the door after checking for anyone else in here.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I knew you would react like this. I'm happy. She makes me happy." He tells me. Now I know that's a lie. He's never happy with her. In fact, every time she leaves, he's always tired and worn out because she's mentally exhausting.

"You're lying again. I know you're not happy with her. You just think you are. You seem to forget I know you better than anyone else on this planet, Niall. And do you seriously believe her? You told me what you saw that night! That they were practically having sex! How do you think that's an accident?! You are not this stupid! Use your brain!" I yell at him.

"Clearly you don't know me as well as you think or you would know that I'm happy with her and that I'm planning to propose to her! I love her and she loves me. She would never hurt me intentionally!" He yells back. I can feel my heart breaking. I finally back down, too exhausted to continue arguing.

"You know what? I guess I clearly don't know you well enough but when she cheats again, don't come crying to me. You did this to yourself and I can't help you. Have a nice, "happy" life Niall." I unlock the door and run out. I keep my head down so no one can see me crying. I exit the gala and grab a taxi, tell him where to go.

"Everything ok, miss?" The man asks.

"Boy problems." I sadly laugh. He nods and thankfully doesn't ask anymore questions. My phone goes off but I hang up, knowing it's Niall. I end up turning my phone completely off after the third call. We pull up to my apartment and I pay him before going inside.

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