Ch. 14

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-March 2020-

We're starting tour today!! We're first going to Nashville and it'll be our 25th friend anniversary! I can't believe we've known each other for this long. We've gotten closer, if that's even possible. It's gotten to the point I can't sleep without him next to me. I used to be like this when I was little but grew out of it when we got into high school. Now, we're inseparable again. He hates sleeping alone and so do I.

We just landed in Nashville and are going to straight to the hotel. Alex and I are sharing room. Niall didn't like that. I wouldn't be surprised if he made me come to his room every night.

It's kind of funny because everyone here knows me as Niall's best friend or a designer for Armani. Now I'm working for Niall and I am so excited.

We got into our rooms and now we're going to the arena for him to rehearse. I have to get everything set up for him and pick out his outfit. He's sticking by my side, he's always nervous before a concert.

"Niall, it's time!" Someone yells. He's just going to rehearse but I knows it's nerve racking.

"You'll be fine. Have fun." I kiss his cheek and he squeezes my hand before running off.

"Hey Andie! How've you been?" Josh asks. He's the drummer for Niall.

"Hey! I've been great! How are you?" I give him a hug and he kisses my cheek.

"Good! You look great. We need to catch up some time." Josh is pretty attractive. I wouldn't mind getting to know him.

"Yes of course. And thank you! You're looking pretty good yourself." I smile.

"Josh!" Niall yells. I look over to him and he seems mad? Eh who knows.

"Better get going. See you later." He kisses my cheek and runs off. I can see Niall glaring at him then looks at me with a smile. Why's he acting so weird? I shrug it off and go find the dressing room. Alex is sitting on the couch, playing on her phone.

"So Josh just talked to me." He's only talked with me once or twice during the last tour.

"Ooh he's hot. What'd he say?" She asks.

"Just asked how I was. He is hot."  I dig through Niall's clothes to see which outfit I like for his concert and meet n greet.

"Get his number! But just warning ya, Niall will be pissed." I really don't understand why she said that.

"Uh why?" I question. I pick out a grey suit with a white undershirt. I like this for the meet n greet.

"Girl come on. You're not that blind are you?" She turns around to look at me.

"I'm sorry?" I look at her.

"He is so in love with you, it's painful to watch. I know I've only been around for one tour but every time you came, you were his light. You instantly make him smile and happy. He's moody when you're not around. I literally can't get him to keep still long enough to do his hair and makeup. You walk in and he's manageable. You have him so wrapped around your finger." She says. I scoff and grab his outfit for the concert.

"Alex, we're both like that. We've been inseparable since we met in 1995. Our 25th friend anniversary is in three days. We're both moody when we're not around each other for long periods of time. Dont think it's because we're in love with each other." I say. I'm tired of people saying we are. I don't see it.

"Ok but when one of you confesses your undying love to the other, don't say I didn't tell ya so." She smiles. I roll my eyes and continue working. Everyone has told me he's in love with me...

-Niall's POV-

When I saw Josh talking with Rea, something shifted inside me.

"Hey mate, how ya been?" He asks me. I roll my eyes and turn away from him.

"Let's go!" I yell. Why am I so angry all of a sudden?

"Yo, Nialler, who pissed in your cereal?" Josh yells.

"Mind your business, Josh! Let's just go!" I yell at him. Heartbreak weather starts so I try to forget whatever I saw.

-Andie's POV-

I decide to go to the stage since they're almost on break. I don't hear any music playing but I hear someone yelling. I walk into the stage and Niall is screaming at the band.

"Niall!" I yell. He has never yelled at them before. I've never seen him yell at anyone. He stops and looks at me.

"What the hell?" I ask him. He sighs and shakes his head.

"Alright, that's it for the day!" Someone yells. Niall walks towards me but just walks passed me, bumping my shoulder on the way. Wow someone's pissy. Josh comes up to me and sighs.

"He's been like that all rehearsal." Weird... he's been fine all day.

"I'll talk to him." I place my hand on his arm before walking off.

"Hey, uh would it be ok if I got your number? I'd like to hang out some time." He asks.

"Ye-" A door slams very loudly and I automatically know it's Niall.

"Give me your phone." He hands me his phone and I type my number in.

"There you go. I better go see what crawled up his arse." I smile and walk to the dressing room, bracing myself before I walk in. He's just sitting on the couch. I sigh and walk to him, sitting on his lap.

"What's up with you?" I brush some of his hair out of his face. He shrugs and lays his head on my shoulder, then wraps his arms around me.

"I'm tired and jet lag is hitting me." He mumbles. I can tell he's calmed down now, thankfully.

"I understand, so am I but that's doesn't mean you can yell at the band. They're just as tired as you are. You need to apologize. You've never yelled at them before." I tell him. He sighs heavily and pulls me tighter against him.

"Just let me sit here with you for a minute."

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