5. The First Date (Pt. 3)

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Chapter 5: The First Date (Pt. 3)

3rd Person Pov.

The group was now walking towards the aquarium building to go get Yotsuba. The aquarium was bigger then the reptile building so it was going to take longer to find Yotsuba. Once they reached the building, they opened the doors to find the biggest aquarium ever. There tons of tall tanks that were storing all different kinds of sea creatures and there was a pathway with animals swimming all over it. (Like one of those tubes with fish and all that swimming over and around that you can walk in.) The group didnt know where to start. They stood there and just tried looking for Yotsuba's green ribbon. They didnt see it so they decided to split up and look for her on their own. As they were split up, Fuutarou saw a green ribbon near the tank with sharks. He made his way over to Yotsuba and took a seat right next to her. He looked at her and then stared at the tank.

"Look Yotsuba i'm sorry. I didnt mean to call you an idiot, it kinda just slipped out." Fuutarou stopped talking and then looked over at her again.

She was gone. He saw her ribbon running away and slipping into the crowd. Fuutarou then got up and started running towards her.

"Yotsuba wait!" Fuutarou yelled out at her.

She looked back and Fuutarou could see some tears rolling down her cheeks. She stopped in the middle and ducked down. Fuutarou was running into the crowd and once he got into the spot where Yotsuba was at, the crowd dispersed and there was no Yotsuba.

"That girl. She fast and tricky. But why was she crying? Probably cause of me. Damn it." Fuutarou thought.

He stood there and looked around. As he was looking around, a stand out green caught the corner of his eyes. When he turned back to the direction of the green he saw the ribbon. He made his way over to the bench and looked at Yotsuba. This time he took a seat and he kept his eyes on Yotsuba.

"Hey why are you crying? I dont like seeing you sad and down like that." Fuutarou said.

"Its just that I always want to make you happy but when you called me an idiot, it just made me feel sad and I couldnt take it." Yotsuba said between sobs. "I always want you to be happy but I cant do that if im not happy. Also when you said idiot it made remember our promise from kyoto and I realized that I never fulfilled my end of the agreement."

"Hey its ok. Im sorry I called you an idiot. I promise I wont do it again. And about our promise, you can still do it. Just take your time with it, you dont need to rush it." Fuutarou said while putting his arm around Yotsuba.

The two sat there for a bit while Fuutarou calmed her down. He then pulled out his phone and texted Ichika and Itsuki that he and Yotsuba were on a bench near the shark tank. After a few more minutes of waiting, the two sisters arrived and sat down next to Yotsuba and Fuutarou. They too also helped Fuutarou calm down Yotsuba.

"Thanks guys. I appreciate you being here." Yotsuba said as she dried her tears.

"Hey, thats what your boyfriend and sisters are here for." Itsuki replied.

Fuutarou blushed a little bit at the word boyfriend.

"Oh is someone not used to being called boyfriend?" Ichika said in a teasing tone.

"Well yea, i've never had a girlfriend before much less five girls at once." Fuutarou replied.

"Fufufu Fuutarou you player." Ichika said with her hand over her mouth.

The group sat there for a bit longer and waited until Yotsuba was fine.

"Hey Yotsuba, do you want to come with us to get your sisters or do you want to stay here?" Fuutarou asked.

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