14. A Halloween With The Quints (Special Chap 1)

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Chapter 14: A Halloween With The Quints (Special Chap 1)

A/n: Alright! Before this chapter starts, there are two things that need to be addressed:

1. It's a double upload day! That's why it took some time for these chapters to come out. Also, about this chapter, you can skip it if you want. It doesn't really do anything to the story other than further build the bond between Fuutarou and the Quints. And then,
2. Chapters may come out slower. I really love Re: Zero (It's my second fav anime behind Quintuplets, maybe even my most favorite on some days) and I'm trying to finish the web novel. (it's going to take forever tho) So if the updates are slower, thats why. Once I finish it or get tired of reading, then the regular paced updates will come back. But for now, the updates will take an extra day or two (maybe more) to get out. Also, once I finish reading, then Re: Zero will be my next fanfic that I'm going to write along with this one. Not that it really matters but I just thought I'd let you know like 2-3 months early. When it comes out then I'll let everyone know.

Enough talking from me, let's start this chapter!

3rd Person Pov.

Fuutarou was walking home with quints from school. They were talking about the upcoming trick or treat event that was recently approved by the student council.

"Isn't it great how we get to try trick or treating? Instead of just dressing up, we also get candy!" Itsuki said, emphasizing on the candy part.

"I'm just going to study on the night of the event. There no point of going, it's the same thing every year." Fuutarou told the quints, "And also, I don't even have a costume or the money to buy a nice quality one."

"Oh come on Fuu-Kun, this year is different." Nino told Fuutarou.

"How so?" He asked.

"Well for one, you have your girlfriends this year," Nino said while grabbing Fuutarou's arm to hug it, "And we've never been trick or treating before so it would be a new experience!"

"I'll think about it." Fuutarou said.

"No, you're not thinking about this Fuuta, you're going to participate." Itsuki said.

"Yeah Fuu, you're not going to study on our watch!" Miku, Ichika, and Yotsuba told Fuutarou.

"Fine. Also, is Fuu a new nickname for me?" Fuutarou asked.

"It sure is." Ichika responded.

"Ok then, I'll do it, but what costume do I wear?" Fuutarou asked.

The quints all went silent and were heavily thinking about what Fuutarou should wear. The rest of the walk home was quiet and Fuutarou didn't bother snapping them out of their train of thought. Once they reached the apartment, everyone went inside and made their way to the elevator. The elevator went up and the quints didn't talk once. It was only when they made it to the couch where they were all sitting, then they started to talk.

"You know, what are we wearing?" Yotsuba asked.

"Umm, good point." Itsuki said.

All the quints instantly stopped thinking about Fuutarou and started to think about their costume. After some more thinking, Itsuki said something.

"Why don't we wear the costumes from last year? We never got to wear them in public because we couldn't make the party." Itsuki said.

"That's a good point, we should wear those." Ichika added.

"Alright then, we'll wear those, but where did we put them?" Nino asked.

"I think I know." Miku quietly said, "Let's go get them."

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