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In ancient times, there was a perfect kingdom gifted with magic, flight and beauty by the Gods and its name was Aligen. Everyone was contented and happy, but soon evil grew into the hearts of some citizens. It was inevitable as peace and harmony would not last forever. These corrupted people began to rise, and claim the Gods were false and the kingdom's sacred rules and religion were just a stifling waste of time. So, these people were exiled and gladly left. Slowly, the rebels started a civilization of their own, an almost exact opposite of Aligen, as if to spite our great kingdom. They named it Vimeravi and it was filled with sin and wrongdoing. After some years the cities were starting to coexist and live in harmony, and the citizens of Aligen were happy once more. However, the arrogant rebels of Vimeravi could not stand our moving on from them, they decided they must destroy our customs and traditions. So, they launched an attack destroying our homes and farms. We had no choice but to retaliate to protect our people, beliefs and our honour. After a hard-fought battle, we emerged victoriously. However, being the kind and forgiving people that we happen to be, we did not punish the rebels for their traitorous deeds and instead blessed them and asked them that they may leave us in peace. They begrudgingly agreed and from then on, we lived side by side, dormant enemies. And in this time of peace, we flourished and developed our rigid culture. Our Gods gave many gifts forms of fire and ice, wind and snow and lightning. They allowed us to use these exquisite gifts for essential use, though not for pleasure, as that would be sinful. Over time, through our careful use, these powers dwindled to nothing as we no longer needed them, our devotion to the Gods all the protection we required. As we obeyed and lived plain and simple lives, when we passed into the afterrealm we would be showered in light and culture as payment for underlying loyalty. 

A/N: Hello, I've started the second draft, so yay for that. There won't be many changes in the early chapters, but I am shifting genres and a couple of new plotlines are being threaded in.

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