A mothers tears

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For the first time in a while this is with my still good friend and trusting Htf buddy Baki10addz oc's: (the Australian soldier) Claw, (the lovely enchantress) Stella, and (for the first time the notorious killer) Casey


Brandon, Flippy, Kiara, Kyle, the Wars Twins, the raccoon twins, Fliqpy, Fliqpy and Kiara's daughter Flora and Flippys weird but great kids Luna, Moon, Snow, Coraline, and Star were having a talk while the kids played. Xander said with a slight of impatience, "can we hurry this up? I gotta date tonight." Kyle said as he adjusted his hood, "Oh be patient Xander we'll make this quick." Brandon said, "So anyway..." Oblivion said as he looks down, "well we all know that our friends and Allies we known are gone and so is our enemies and they may never come back." Brandon said, "well I got good news and bad news. The good news is not all of our friends are gone Oblivion. Stella is still here and so is Cl.." Kyle interrupted, "don't say his name Brandon he and Kelly are still in the military that I'm in along with their son." Xander said as he crossed his arms, "well that's good I guess so are any of our enemies still here?" Brandon felt uneasy and said, "well that's the bad news. That wolf Casey is back in town." Everyone gasped Xander facepalmed and said, "oh no not him again." Kiara said, "he ain't so tough." Fliqpy said, "don't be fooled Kiara he'll make sure you have your last breath cut short." Flora was playing with her half brothers and sisters before looking at a sad Stella who was looking for Brandon to tell him about Peyton and Rocket gone missing. Flora runs to her and said, "excuse me lady. Why are you sad?" Stella looked at Flora and said, "I'm sorry it's just that I'm looking for my boyfriend Brandon do you know where?.." Flora said, "I know where he is he's talking to his friends, and my parents." Flora takes Stella to the others. Brandon was continuing the talk with his friends and brothers before Flora said, "hey Uncle Brandon there's a pretty lady who was looking for you." Brandon looked to see Stella with a sad look on her face. Brandon was concern and said as he rushed to her side, "Stella what's wrong?" Stella began to tear up and said, "Brandon... it's Peyton and Rocket. They're missing." Everyone gasped as Flora thought, "Peyton and Rocket?.. no." Lifty who looked at his watch said, "oh look at the time I'm late for band practice. I hope Toothy and the kid doesn't mind that I'm late. Bye." Shifty said as Lifty ran off, "I gotta date with a little lady. oh yeah if you see the would you ask him Swift-Wind would you tell him I need advice on how to win a woman's heart?" Kyle said dully, "we will." Shifty walked off. Brandon comforted her and said, "don't worry it's gonna be okay we will find them. I promise Stella." When she heard it Stella sniffed and said, "really?" Brandon nodded before Xander said, "okay but uhh." Flippy thought, "time sure has been confusing but it must've affected Lifty and Shifty too. But since Lifty's dating Splendid it's a good thing." Kyle said as he walked off, "I'll be right back I gotta call squirt and give Shiftys message." Stella wiped her tears before she said, "why is he in a hood and blindfold?" Oblivion replies, "you don't wanna know." Stella was confused but shrugged before she freaked out seeing Floras half brothers and sisters. Flippy said, "it's okay Stella they're harmless and friendly." Stella felt embarrassed and said, "oh sorry it's just that I got freaked out that a few have only one eye. Are they your kids?" Fliqpy said, "the bluish-green Bear-cat with the pink hair is mine and Kiara's but the rest of them are both mine and Flippys kids." Stella said, "oh I see but...who is the mother?" Flippy said, "well it's kinda hard to explain but..."


Kyle was finishing up his talk with Whisp before he hung up and said, "so anyway squirt that's all I needed to tell you." Whisp said on the phone, "alrighty Kyle I'll call Shifty after band practice is over. See ya." Kyle hung up as he sighed. Before Kyle could go back to the group he was stopped by a familiar Australian voice, "well look who it is mate?" Kyle turned to see Claw and Kelly along with their grown son Noah. Kyle grunted and said, "urgh just what I needed. A Australian family of three." Claw said, "pardon me mate but you look familiar do I know you mate?" Kyle growled before pulling his hood off and said, "ITS ME YOU IDIOT!" Claw chuckled and said, "I knew it was you Kyle I was just teasing." Kyle rolled his eyes and said, "whaddya want you two? I already know about Casey." Claw said, "I know mate but we heard your niece and nephew went missing." Kyle said, "yeah so? Why is it your business?!" Kelly said petting Noah's head, "well let's just say our son found them but we got some bad news and good news." Kyle raises a brow and said, "really?"


Flippy finished explaining to Stella, "and that's all I know." Stella said, "well It's a surprising though I feel sorry for the five kids for never meeting their mother." Xander looked at his watch before he said, "look my raven is waiting I gotta go." Xander walks off before Oblivion sighed and said, "he gets real impatient when he feels like he's making his date waiting. Besides he's still in shock since he figured out me and him are twins." Stella said, "oh yeah I heard about that. Shocking but surprising." Kyle walks back to them and said, "I got good news and bad news. Kelly and Claw's son found your kids." Branson and Stella felt relieved but it changed when Kyle said, "but the bad news is they can't remember a thing about themselves. Only their names and personalities." Both gasped as Brandon said, "but what do we do?" Kyle said, "all we can do is find a way to make them remember again. If we show our faces they won't even recognize us. In the meantime be on your guard there's no telling where that killer Casey is hiding" Kyle walked off as Stella said, "I'm a little surprised. Your brother sure has changed a little. He hasn't cursed once." Brandon said, "I'll tell you about it later. Come on I'll introduce you to the five kids." But as Stella and Brandon walked to Flora and her brothers and sisters Casey was watching them and said, "hehehe. This shit hole of a town sure has been crawling with creepy looking creatures. Man This town has been getting more interesting since I was last here. I wonder what I have been missing?" That's when Casey gets a text saying "welcome back Casey." Casey smirked as he walked off while looking back and thought, "I'll make an appearance soon. Just you all wait and see. Hehehe."

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