Aftermath of Fetch's misfortune 2

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Fetch's pov

I came home to my apartment that I share with my brother fucked up and pissed cause I got fucked up by that wolf... AGAIN!! Urgh once I get my revenge I will show him who's boss! That's when Rock-Roll said from he other room, "Hey little sis how's your day?" I said, "Shittier than the last one I got fucked up again but that damn wolf!" Rock-Roll said, "You think you had a shitty day? Try looking at me!" I walked to the living room and I was shocked to see Rock-Roll holding a piece of raw steak on his eye and he was covered in bruises. I asked as I sat down next to him, "Holy shit what the fuck happened to you?" Rock-Roll said, "Ya know those girls I said I was gonna seduce?" I nodded before he explained, "Well I was gonna seduce all four of them but when I had them cornered some teenage lunatic attacked me and as if things ain't bad enough I got my wallet stolen by those raccoon twins before getting beaten more by that sorry excuse of a hero!"


Rock-Roll's pov

I had those four bitch's cornered and helpless. Oooh how I was looking forward to seduce them all but all of a sudden I got attacked by some bratty raccoon who kicked me on the back of the head and said as he crossed his arms, "scaring young girls and attacking them like they're your prey? I won't allow it to happen!" I said, "Fuck off ya brat!" He said to me, "my my what fowl language well let me take care of that." Then he forced a bar of lavender scented soap that he pulled outta his pocket and into mouth as he held my mouth opened. Then he punched me in the face so hard he gave me a black eye. Then Lifty and Shifty came outta nowhere as Lifty asked the teenager, "Hey kid can we?..." The teen nodded and the twins stole my wallet. I yelled, "HEY GIVE ME BACK MY WALLET!!" Shifty yelled out, "NOT YOURS ANYMORE PUNK!!" Then Splendid landed in front of me and said, "Well congratulations Willowquim you saved four girls from becoming prey. I'm jealous but you may need to get these girls to safety okay?" The teen nodded before he leads the girls somewhere safe no sooner after that I got beaten to a pulp by Splendid.

<flashback ends>

Fetch's pov

I asked as he spit in disgust, "So he forced a bar of soap in your mouth?" Rock-Roll nodded as he said, "Yeah it was so bad for me so what are you gonna do?" I told him exactly what I have plan to do. By the time I was finished he raised a brow and said, "seduce him back? That's a tough one. Well then about time you decided to follow in my footsteps." I said, "I dunno why the king of thieves appointed you as his subjects." Rock-Roll replied, "All cause of my camouflage skills sis." I asked, "Did you haft to seduce everyone like what you always do?" Rock-Roll replied as he shrugged, "Ehh you get used to it."

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