Kimi-Chan Kitty Cat

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Name; Kimi-Chan

age: 18

species: Purple kittty cat

described:a purple cat with black hair in pigtails, wearing a pink shirt that goes down to her knees, yellow leggings, and cute shoes.

information: Kimi-Chan is the little girl lolita of Happytreetown. She is also a member of The Whisper fanclub. She does things that little girls do though she does know how to cook and do things that adults do. her hobbies include baking, cleaning while singing, caring for bunny's, tea parties, gardening, listening to cute music, taking walks in parks, cuddling her stuffed animals, and seashell collecting. She had been like it for most of her life especially when her and Lammy along with Liv and Jubileah fell for a certain boy (Whisper Rage Willowquim)

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