Big brother Whisper

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A/N: with KZCool14 oc's: Sugarbaby and her grown up son Cinnamon. I hope it's a good short story.

<when Whisp was 10 years old>

Sugarbaby was having a little walk around the block before spotting Whisp who was excited but nervous walking to the school-bus stop. Sugarbaby said as she walks to him, "Hey Whisper." Young Whisp sees her and said, "Hi Grandma." Sugarbaby said as she stands next to him, "I heard someone is going to be a big brother." Whisp chuckles and said, "Yeah I'm going to be a big brother. I'm really excited but I'm also nervous." Sugarbaby asked, "Why is that snuggle bunny?" Whisp replies, "Cause I dunno if I could be a good big brother. I know for a fact it's really gonna be different having a younger sibling of my own." Sugarbaby then said in a motherly tone petting her grandson's head, "It's okay to be nervous sweetie. Your going to be a swell big brother I'm sure of it." Whisp felt a little better but felt nervous still. Whisp gave Sugarbaby a hug and said, "Thank you Grabdma." Sugarbaby replied, "Your welcome Snuggle Bunny." Both broke the hug before the school bus arrived and Whisp went on the bus. Sugarbaby has heard Cinnamon and Carolynn having a baby of there own though Cinnamon was as excited and nervous as Whisp is. After school Whisp who was picked up by Sugarbaby and Flippy even told his biological brothers he is going to be a big brother. They were surprised especially Xander. Oblivion said poking Whispers freckled cheek, "Little Whisper is going to be a big brother." Kyle said, "I never thought I see the day that it would happen." Xander asked, "So what are ya getting a brother or sister?" Whisp shrugged and said, "We don't know yet." Axel said, "You are going to be lucky to have a little sister." Whisp shrugs and said, "Well if I do I have three sisters." Sugarbaby giggled and said, "Your really happy for him aren't you Axel?" Axel said, "Yeah I am happy." About nine months later in a surprising turn two baby girls were born. Whisper's two little sisters came into the world. The first born baby girl was a angel/Zoamite raccoon hybrid with honey blonde hair and cinnamon yellow fur named Cassidy and the second baby girl was a magenta raccoon fairy/Zoamite hybrid with sea foam green hair named Mairvianosa. Whisper was thrilled about his new sisters. Three years went by and Whisp handled being a big brother very well. Though after Cassidy and Mairvianosa turned three Cinnamon and Carolynn announced having another pair of twins again. This time Whisp was not nervous about being a big brother though Mairvianosa and Cassidy were nervous. Cassidy said, "I'm very nervous big brother." Whisp chuckled and said, "ya know I was nervous when I was ten years old. I was excited for yours and Mairvianosa's arrival. I was nervous cause I thought I was gonna be clumsy and not be a swell older brother too but Grandma told me something I may never forget that it's okay to be nervous though I will be a swell big brother. I'm sure you two will make swell big sisters." Mairvianosa felt better as Cassidy said, "Your right thank you Whisp." Whisp pets his sisters head and said, "Your welcome Cass." Then nine months later the twins were born but this time it was both a girl and boy. The baby girl was a raccoon fairy/Zoamite hybrid who had fall colors and golden leaf hair named Autumn and the baby boy (the youngest) was an angel raccoon/Zoamite hybrid with blonde fur and pure white hair named Reese. Whisp and his two little sisters were excited before their father Cinnamon came out and said, "Cassidy, Whisp, Mairvianosa come and meet your new brother and sister." The three nodded and said, "Yes father." The three walked in before seeing Autumn and Reese in their mothers arms. Carolynn said softly, "Meet your new brother Reese and your new sister Autumn." Mairvianosa and Cassidy stared sweetly at Autumn as Cassidy said, "aww she's so cute." Whisp looks at his new little brother and whispered, "he's so pure and beautiful." Baby Reese was the first to wake up before seeing his older brother. Whisp smiled and said, "Hey Reese how are you?" Reese smiled as Whispers heart melted. Three weeks later after Autumn and Reese were born Cinnamon said to Whisper, "Son? I know it's the weekend for you and your siblings to go to grandmas but can you take Reese with you? He really adores you plus the girls are having a hard time packing to go to grandmas for the weekend." Whisp looks at Reese before Whisp said, "Yes father. *to Reese* come here Reese." Whisp picked up little Reese before they head out after Carolynn said, "Your father and I will drop off the girls shortly okay." Whisp replied, "Okay Mom." About 10 minutes later Whisp bumps into Axel and Sugarbaby who plan to meet up with Whisp and his four little siblings. Axel looks at Reese and asked, "Is that your little brother?" Whisp nods as Reese sneezes cutely. Sugarbaby giggles and said, "oh bless you." Whisp chuckled as Axel and Sugarbaby chuckled as well. Reese cooed trying to laugh with them.

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