5 short amazing stories

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With KZCool14 oc's: (Sugarbaby) Sb, Cinnamon, Lumi, Cinnamons 5 sons (Choco, Gummy, Fondu, Peppermint, And Licorice.), Maple, and Nip.

1. How Whisp got to his angel form

Sugarbaby's pov

My family has been filled with lots of joy since Whisp became my grandson. My son Cinnamon and I have been watching him grow up along with my other children and cousin Though my granddaughter Maple ran out for the first time cause Cinnamon never lets her out though Maple still plays with Whisp and talks to him. I remember a time about a week or two when Maple and him were playing around. Maple and Whisp were laughing and talking. Whisp said to Maple, "I'm really lucky and happy to have a sissy like you Maple." Maple replied, "I'm the one who's lucky and happy Whisp." That's when Whisp said, "But your an amazing Zoamite *pouts* I'm just a boring regular immortal raccoon." Thats when Maple stands up, picks up Whisp enough for him to reach the trees. Maple said, "You are more than a boring regular immortal raccoon. To us your a zoamite by heart and my little brother." Whisp smiled and said, "Your my big sister and my best friend." He giggled when I watched those two getting along. He was a demon even though he had the heart of an angel until he was five. When I saved my family from a horrible fate I removed some of the demon inside Whisp. The moment I did parts of his black hair turned white, one of his silver eyes turned blue, and demon form turned into a half angel (one black wing and one white wing with horns and a halo.) though he was asleep at the time. At first when he woke up he was scared but Choco calmed him down and said, "Whisp it's okay. Grandma removed some of the demon inside you. So it's normal." It took Whisp a little while before he realized he was a half angel. On his sixth birthday my cousin Lumi gave him something special. She gave him a little crystal necklace that also gave him a part of her. That necklace showed the zoamite in his heart though to Whisper it was a special gift from his grand aunt that he adored so much. My son also married another woman named Carolynn who was a nice half angel and half fairy. I also gained two more granddaughters at the time named Cassidy and her elegant well mannered twin sister Mairvianosa. When Whisp was thirteen Cassidy removed the rest of the demon inside Whisp. The moment she did Whispers fur turned a little bright, his eyes turned into a beautiful silver-ish blue color, his hair stayed the same, and his half angel form turned into a full term angel. At the same month I gained another grandson named Reese and another granddaughter named Autumn. I never have been more proud in my life to call him my grandson.

2. How Nip and Temper first met

Tempers pov

Ever since my group of friends and I seen each other I keep trying to find myself an awesome girl. I mean I wanna be the male of relationship but who can blame me for being a lesbian?? I thought I met someone but she disappeared. I started to become hopeless but all that changed at an instant when I first met Nip. She's a athletic and awesome girl and she's also the aunt of Whisper Willowquim or Rebel Mouse as I call him cause he is a rebel for actual  good who is quiet as a mouse also he has a pet mouse that can shape shift. Anyway I was walking around my neighborhood trying to ease my boredom and that's when it happened. I bumped into someone before I fell. Before I can land on my tail I was caught with one arm. I then looked to see her and the moment I did my heart pounded. She asked as she looked at me, "are you okay?" I said as I stuttered, "I-I-yes..umm." We both looked into each other's eyes for a moment before I was back on my feet as she said while looking at me, "Hey your actually a good looking girl. My name's Nip. What's yours?" I said blushing, "I-I'm Temper." Nip said, "Temper..huh? Interesting name you have there." I said before blushing and looking away, "thanks I guess." That's when Nip asked, "Say Temper I was about to go to the Happytreetown cafe would you like to join me?" I was hesitant but I nodded and said, "S-sure I'm not doing anything important anyway." I felt like that moment on when I followed Nip I felt like I found my dream girl. I met her family about two weeks later. Rebel-Mouse was only 6 at the time when I first met him. Me and Nip hung out for about 6 weeks and getting to know each other. On the seventh week she asked me to be her girlfriend and without hesitation I said yes. I can tell she's the male of the relationship which is why I changed my appearance. But I know Nip loves me no matter what I look like and I love her too.

3. The five hybrid babies

Whisp's pov

It was hard for me since my GrandAunt Lumi died but I managed to build myself up with the help of my family, my boyfriend, my friends, and my biological brothers. As most of you all know I have five cousins Moon, Luna, Coraline, Star, and Snow. They are both Flippy and Fliqpy's kids and my Grandaunt Lumi was the mother but she died after their birth. It also means Fliqpys daughter is their big sister. When I first heard I was gonna have cousins I was happy but I also had a bad and worried feeling about it. But I knew GrandAunt Lumi got her wish and that wish is having both Flippy and Fliqpy love her. She told me she had a thing for both of them when I was 10 though she kinda chuckled when I reacted in a silly way instead of how kids usually act at this state. When I was small I felt like the world was so big though I forgotten it when I first saw Grnadaunt Lumi. She was really special to me just like my big sister Maple and all of the people in my life are. The time we had with her I had no idea that it was the last until the day before she died and gave birth to my cousins. My father told me and when he did my heart sank as I found out she was gonna die. When the day came everyone was sad even me. I couldn't bare the fact that she was gone. When she died my heart was broken. I cried in tears as my family including my mother and father and even my siblings and biological brothers hugged me for comfort. It was one family hug I couldn't forget. Though my cousins do resemble her as much as they resemble Flippy though two of them resemble Fliqpy and Grandaunt Lumi. I build a grave for her at the church. It was a cross with her name on it so no one would forget I come and visit her once a week. When her shadow came to cause some mischief I had to negotiate with it. Luckily it agreed with me and as a result Grandaunt Lumis shadow became mine. After her death she for some reason became a part of me. Now I should tell you about my cousins. Coraline is a sweet girl but can be very aggressive like Fliqpy can when she gets messed with which makes her a cool sibling for Flora. Snow and Moon they're timid, shy, and pretty much creative just like my Grandaunt Lumi. Luna is bittersweet in a good way though with her one eye you maybe in serious trouble if you mess with her. Last but definitely not least is Star who really likes cats and is great with animals though he can be a bit uptight like Fliqpy. Though Flora is use to being a big sister to her half brothers and sisters.

4. How Whisper started to hate cops

Gummy's pov

When Whisper was only two years old he always wondered why the police hated Dad so much. Licorice and my other three brothers were out at the time and Maple she was in her room so it was up to me to tell him. I sat next to him and said, "I bet your wondering why the police hate Dad." Whisper nodded cause he can't talk much I mean he is two can ya blame him? I took a deep breath and said, "Well they think Dad is a troublemaker but the truth is he was arrested for the wrong reason. Dad did something that seemed wrong but he saved a whole bunch of people once or twice but the police and anyone else doesn't see it that way. Not like me, or our family, or possibly you." Whisp then stood up and said, "Cwops are mwean two Daddy. I no like cwops." I chuckled because he's talking adorable though I can admit he doesn't like the police as much as I do. When he was three he pranked the cops with us for his first time. I gotta tell ya that incident with the bugs oh man that was just too funny. I wish we did it again on that day it was too hilarious. Even Choco, Peppermint, Licorice, and Fondu can agree with it.

5. Peppermint and Gummy shows Whisper how to pull a prank on a cop

Peppermints pov

It was mine and Gummy's turn to watch Whisp when he was still a baby. I had to put him in a stroller just so we keep an eye on him. While Gummy keeps an eye on Whisper I proceeded to pull a prank on a nearby cop. Gummy chuckled before I whispered to our little brother, "okay here's what we do besides wrestling so pay attention kid." I pulled out a non poisonous snake and placed it on the cops hat which he dropped. We waited in the distance until he returned for his hat. Whisper softly said, "hehehe.. Snakey.." After the cop put his hat on he felt something on his head and when he reached what it is he freaked out as he saw he grabbed a snake and ran away. All three of us laughed as I said, "yeah little brother I put a snake in the cops hat." Gummy said, "that was priceless. Even Whisper agrees." To be honest Whisper actually laughed at it like Gummy did. If there's one thing I agree on he really does look like a tiny version of Licorice. Hehehe he grew up to be not only a normal boy but he also grew up to be a natural prankster like me and my brothers.

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