(Links new life part 2) Nate-near Link Mellowhail

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Axels pov

Me and Arista we're at the happytreecafe earlier for breakfast while talking about the difference between my youngest brother Whisp and her brother Link. The sun started to rise as I said, "Hey any chance Link has a new name?" Arista said, "Come to think of it he does. After he was adopted The gay couple changed his name to Nate-near Link Mellowhail." I asked, "Mellowhail?" She replied, "It's the family name of the gay couple." I asked, "Any idea what their names are?" Arista said, "I keep forgetting me, Ross and the others still chat with Nate from time to time. He's also got a adopted big brother and a adopted little brother. I keep forgetting their names too. But just like Whisp he is living a good life but I heard they became rivals and allies at the same time."

Normal pov

(Early morning at the Mellowhail manor)

Nate-near or Nate for short was in his room asleep when his big brother Tabor came in and said, "Nate it's time to wake up." Nate replied with a yawn, "Tabor... Morning already?" Tabor nodded as he said stressfully, "Yeah it is." Nate sat up and said looking at his stressed bro, "Whassup with you? Having a bad night as a rookie cop again?" Tabor said with a sigh, "No it's those blasted Willowquim brothers again." Nate asked with a little anger in his voice, "What have those trouble making brats do to you and your police force this time?" Tabor said facing the door in humiliation, "They replaced our coffee with soda. They boiled it and made it look like coffee. We didn't notice it until we put sugar in the coffee. It was such a mess that we had to get on our hands and knees to clean the whole station. Even the chief is upset he was humiliated by those wretched Willowquim brothers." Nate then said as he pat his brother on the head, "I swear those boys think the police are to blame for their fathers crimes but what do they know? It's their fathers fault he got into trouble." Tabor replied facing him, "Yeah. So anyway you may wanna go down stairs Dad and Father are awaiting you for breakfast." Nate said, "Yes but aren't you coming?" Tabor said walking away, "I gotta go wake up Adrien besides he hasn't woken up yet." Nate nodded before closing the door. Later after getting dressed the maids and servants said, "Good morning Master Nate." Nate just said, "Morning." When Nate entered he sees his two fathers (Toku and Lemone) sitting down. Lemone (the female of the relationship) said as he sees Nate, "Ahh morning Nate how are you?" Nate replies, "I'm okay Dad how are you and Father?" Toku said, "We're Doing Okay too son. Today you be painting a portrait of the mayor of Happytreetown again. He's such a egomaniac." Nate said, "So what portrait does he need me to paint of him this time?" Toku said, "We'll explain later after breakfast." Nate nodded and sat down eating his breakfast as he thought, "Ugh Willowquims are a nuisance."

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