1.5 - Zuko

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Zuko and Azula walked side by side, and when they reached the junction where the royal chambers branched off to the right and guest rooms were on the left, Azula stopped.

"So Zuzu, which way shall it be?"

"You are welcome to stay in your old chambers if you wish. You may also have them refurbished if the old room is...disagreeable. Or of course, you may stay in the guest wing with the Kyoshi warriors; I believe they would be happy to have you."

Azula turned and began walking towards the royal chambers and Zuko rushed after her.

"Wait, Azula! Before you go in, I have to tell you something."

She stopped and waited, crossing her arms, "Yes, Zuzu?"

He took in her wary eyes, working to keep his own features relaxed as he said, "After we found mother, I offered her a place here. She is staying here at the palace. I understand that you two have a difficult history, and I don't want this to be upsetting for you."

Azula stared at him, her expression hard, "She's here."


She laughed once, a harsh sound that didn't quite mask the hurt, "And I suppose she didn't come to greet me today because she was too afraid. Too scared to face the monster her daughter had become."

"No, Azula, I didn't want her there. Today was your day. To come back feeling welcomed, and safe. To come home."

"A nice sentiment brother but this place is hardly home. I barely recognise it. No more garish red and black tapestries and the gallery of Fire Lord's is under mysterious 'renovation'. And where is Lo and Li, I never really liked those two but it is certainly strange without them lurking around every corner. And the courtiers? What happened to all of them? And mother is here, while father rots away in jail? No Zuko this place isn't home."

"Then what is it?"

"I'm still deciding," she crooned.

He didn't take the bait, "So. Would you like to go to your room now?"

Azula turned on her heel and sauntered off, leaving Zuko to catch up.

When they finally arrived at the entrance to the hall where their rooms were Azula stopped, glaring at the guards who didn't move. She raised her hands and they began to glow–

Zuko pushed her right arm down, and with a firm glance, nodded at the guards. They opened the doors immediately, and the long hall stretched out before them. Whereas in previous years, the corridors had only been illuminated by fire at the evenly spaced braziers, Sokka had taken one look at the place and decided it needed to change. 

With the help of his father's new engineer girlfriend, Sokka had planned and installed glass ceilings – 'skylights' he called them. During the day the sun lit up the space, as it did now and at night, the braziers were lit. He had also designed large iron panels, which could be closed over the top of the glass – 'just in case' he had told Zuko cryptically.

Azula stared up at the skylight and frowned. Zuko shrugged when he looked at her and just said, "Sokka thought it needed a change."

She hummed and continued down the corridor, passing a number of spare rooms before arriving at the door to her own. She stopped before it, and just stared at the heavy iron door. Then she looked left, to the door a few feet away.

Mother's old room, thought Zuko.

Azula turned back and pushed open the door, revealing her lush room beyond it. Simple but lavish, in shades of reds and pink with gold accents. A fire nation banner hung from the wall, as did a painting of Ozai, Zuko and Azula, not long after their mother left. Utilitarian. Plain. Azula had never much cared for decorations or other pretty things. Her interests had always lain with the throne, rather than any hobbies or leisure activities. A pang went through Zuko's chest, Ozai really had taken everything from her.

Azula stepped forward and surveyed the place. Zuko lit the braziers and torches around the room with a wave of his hand, a new skill he had been practising. Katara teased him mercilessly for it, saying 'he only does it to show off!'

Azula scrutinized him, "When did you learn how to do that?"

Zuko shrugged, "Well Aang and I visited some...master's once, and they taught us to firebend in ways I'd never even seen before. Then it was just practise."

"Huh." She turned back to the room, but didn't move, then, "Step back."

"Azula..." Zuko was worried, but did as she said, back almost to the doors.

Then she moved and her blue flames surged from her body in every direction. Her bed, carpet, tapestry, painting and wardrobe all burst into flames.

"Azula, no!" Zuko began putting out the flames, forcing them to die down around him.

She yelled at him from the middle of her inferno, "No! Leave it! You know these walls are iron! Nothing outside of this room will burn."

Zuko stopped and turned to look at her. There was no crazy glint in her eyes, just sadness and anger. She wanted it to burn, wanted to get rid of every remnant of her old life. Of who she used to be. Very well then, he thought, let's let it burn. Maybe this is what she needs to be able to start moving on.

He strode towards her, in the middle of the room. The flames didn't touch them, and the heat wasn't that bad either. They stood there, side by side, until it was all just ash.

"I'll be staying in the guest wing," Azula finally said, as the final flame winked out.

"I'll have someone prepare a room for you." Their eyes met and they nodded to each other. Zuko turned to leave, but Azula just stood there, staring at the ash.

"Come on, let's go," Zuko held out a hand and, surprising them both it seemed. Azula took it. 


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