3.1 - Azula

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Azula had woken up late, thoroughly enjoying her comfortable new quarters to find a servant waiting for her outside her door. After demanding to know why he was waiting outside her room, and to know what he wanted, he silently handed her a letter with trembling hands.

She'd told him to get lost as she returned to her room to read it.

The letter had been from Zuko. He claimed to be busy with meetings all morning, but wanted to meet with her for lunch. He also said he had something planned for her that afternoon, and hoped to talk about it later.

Azula hadn't liked the cryptic message and had thought about skipping lunch, but eventually, curiosity won out and she decided to go.

She'd arrived at lunch early to see that the table was set for two, and sat down in one of the seats. Zuko arrived later, brushing off advisers who were still asking questions, suggesting ideas and trying to bring their last minute requests to him.

Pathetic, Azula thought, Father would never allow them to annoy him like that.

"Azula, glad you could make it," Zuko said by way of greeting, as he plopped down in the seat opposite her.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Zuzu," she replied with a smirk.

His eyebrows scrunched, but eventually he shrugged as hunger won out and they ate in silence.

"So," Azula broke the silence, unable to wait any longer, "I'm dying to hear about your little surprise for me. Do tell."

Zuko put down his bowl and eyed her cautiously. "Well, I..." he took a steadying breath and Azula's guard instantly went up.

"Azula, I understand that things have been very difficult for you these last few years. I've found someone who I think you should talk to. You can tell her whatever you like, she won't be reporting back or sharing anything with me or anyone else. I promise. I just think it could be a good place for you to start to heal."

Azula just stared at him. Someone to talk to, she wondered what he meant. Like an adviser?

Zuko continued quickly. He's nervous, she noted. "You don't have to tell her much, just whatever you feel comfortable with. Family, life...friends. Sometimes it's good to just get your thoughts out. She'll just listen, and, and give you advice if you need it. Please, just...try."

Azula was still trying to gauge him, what did he have to gain from this? He couldn't be trying to help her, no. No there was something else going on here.

Weak...failure...pathetic...he is trying to destroy you, like he did in the Agni Kai...


"Why." It was all she could think to say.

"Because...well I wasn't exactly my best after my banishment. But eventually, I found my friends, and after a little while, I was able to talk about the things that troubled me.  Things that made me feel angry or upset. Over time, those things just...didn't affect me the same way. I was able to tell people about them, work through it, and eventually, let it go. I think you could do the same."

"Hmm," she mused, "And if I refuse?"

"I'm asking you to try it. It may not fix things straight away, and it's probably going to hurt a little at first, but you have to keep pushing through it."

Weak...failure...pathetic...he doesn't care about you...

She thought for a moment longer. Perhaps this woman could fix her traitorous mind. Perhaps she would make this nightmare stop. If Azula were able to regain control of her mind... She hid her smile at the thought. Azula would meet with this woman and fix this problem. 

"Very well. When do we begin?"


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