1.84 Carl's Letter

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Later. Morning. 

I walked over to Daryl who was sitting on the back of truck "Tara is fine. It's been over a day. Still not sick. Doc says she's cool. "

Daryl nodded "She's a tough son of a bitch. and so are you"

I raised an eyebrow a little amused "did you just call me a bitch?"

Daryl "it was a compliment"

I nodded "i'll take it as one, only because you're an asshole"

Daryl nodded "compliment taken"

I sighed "Maybe it means that Dwight shot her with a clean arrow. Maybe the arrow tried to shoot me with was clean."

Daryl shrugged " Could be anything. It's not like a bite. Sometimes nothing happens."

 I sighed "Daryl-

Daryl "Look, if Dwight knew, could've warned us, could've sent us a message."

Me " Well, maybe he couldn't. "

Daryl "He let a whole day go by while our people lay around dying. Everybody else in the battle who got injured got sick. That can't be an accident. So he just gets a pass? Is that it? "

I shook my head "of course not. But maybe you should keep him breathing for a while. Because i know for a damn fact that if you had killed him back then..i could've died that night because no one else would have missed me with that arrow. "

Daryl nodded "i know"

Me "but you don't look happy"

Daryl "he shot you, Ken. You didn't see yourself but i did. You were losing so much blood, i couldn't stop the bleeding and your were growing paler and paler by the second. all i was thinking back then was that if i didn't back your back to Alexandria immediately that you'd die -in my arms. your blood would have been on my hands because i didn't kill that son of a bitch. So i am sorry if i wanna kill that guy who had me thinkin' about you dyin' in my arms"

I walked closer to him and kissed him. 

Daryl put a hand on my thigh and squeezed it a little. 

In the mansion. Maggie's room. 

Rosita walked in "The relay cars are in position. If the Saviors are coming back, we'll have , maybe minutes heads-up. "

Maggie "And our ammo? "

Dianne "'Bout what we thought. Not enough to fend off another attack of that size. "

Daryl walked in " Well, maybe we don't gotta worry about that no more. At least for now. Maybe going hand-to-hand's our only option."

Rosita " You think they're low on ammo? "

Daryl "Well, they must've gone through a whole bunch of it getting through them walkers at Sanctuary. "

Dianne "And there's not a lot of places to find more."

Rosita sighed " Mierda. They have our bullet maker. They can make more."

Maggie " You think the Saviors have what he'd need to make them? "

Rosita "If they don't, I know where they'd find it. "

At the Sanctuary. 

I handed Daryl the binoculars "Well, looks like you're right. It's up and runnin'."

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