1.86 "Leave"

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A few days later. On the bridge.

We were working on the bridge.

Aaron "So, I go in after her nap and pick her up, and the diaper just explodes all over me. "

Daryl "Sounds like good times. "

Aaron "Oh, the best. You'll see."

My eyes widened.

Daryl shot him a look before hammering the nail into the wood.

Aaron asked amused "What? You'd be a great dad. "

My jaw dropped.

Daryl nodded, amused " Yeah."

Suddenly i saw Henry hitting Justin in the leg so he dropped to the ground with the can of water.

Henry walked away.

Justin stood up pissed off and tried to come at Henry but Daryl held him back.

Daryl "Hey. Kid's just doing his job. Get back to work. "

Justin "I don't need your people telling me what to do. You're not my babysitter anymore. "

Daryl grabbed him again and Justin went to punch him but Daryl moved to the side and punched Justin.

Justin fell against the sand which he grabbed and threw it in Daryl's eyes.

Then he threw him to the ground.

They started to fight each other.

Some of us started to cheer them on.

Suddenly Dad rushed to us "Hey! Hey! Break it up! Break it up right now! "

Then he grabbed Justin and pulled him back "Hey! I said enough! "

He threw Justin over to Potter who held him back while Dad held Daryl back.

Dad "I said enough. Enough. "

Everyone went quiet.

Daryl spit out blood and walked away.

Dad "Go back to work. "

In my tent.

Daryl "So, that asshole just gets a free pass? Is that it? "

Dad "It's just a few more days. I don't like it, either, but we're in a rush to get that work done. He's strong. The Saviors are over half the workforce, and we've had too many walk off already."

Daryl " Yeah. 'Cause that's who they are. Some of them ain't ever gonna fall in line just 'cause you say so. "

I nodded " Daryl's right. "

Dad shot me a look.

Me "you know i am right.These people have never had to live together. And we can't expect them to just forget what's happened. "

Dad "It hasn't been easy. I know. It won't be, not for a while, but it's not about forgetting. It's about moving ahead, all of us, together. We keep doing that, they'll see we're all on the same side. "

Daryl "Are we, though? "

We looked at him.

Daryl " Are we on the same side, Rick?"

Dad " Well, you tell me. "

Daryl "Thing is, man, I've been tryin' to. But you don't seem to want to hear it. "

Then he walked out.

Dad sighed " Daryl. "

He sighed " It's complicated. It's been different since Gregory, maybe since before that. "

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