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The library is stuffy and hot, filled with talking despite the continuous shushing from Pince.

"Hey Black," Cedric greets me, a large smile on his features.


"Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long," he smiled politely as he takes a seat next to me

"No, only a few minutes, they've been entertaining to say the least," I say nodding in the direction of my cousin, Draco, who's hair has been changed to a bright pink colour and he is utterly distressed attempting to find some antidote in one of the books whilst shouting at his minions to help. Cedric lets out a hearty chuckle

"You and the twins I assume,"

"He had it coming, called Mionie a mudblood and I will not be allowing that," I shrug, Cedric smiles warmly

"Yknow I have always found the story of you and your family fascinating," he comments casually

"It's a lot less interesting then people big it up to be. Pure blood pricks and my dad just couldn't get on board, ran away to live with his best friend and here we are now outcasts of the family,"

"Would you want to be a part of it?"

"There's no chance. I'd have ran from my dad if he was like them. I just don't get the whole blood line discrimination, it's so stupid, take Mionie the best witch I know and she's muggle born it means nothing,"

"You're easily a better witch than Granger, you were at that age too," he compliments causing me to blush madly "so how are you and Draco related?"

"Second cousins," I shrug

"You guys speak,"

"A little, mainly him telling me to stop hanging with blood traitors and me telling him to stop being a pompous prick. The yearly happy birthday and merry Christmas. If he was ever in serious trouble though I would help if I could. He's not as bad as he behaves he's just been brought up to believe certain things, if he had different parents he could easily be a nice guy..." I trail off

"And if your father hadn't ran away you could
be just like him,"  Cedric guesses my thoughts and I'm glad I don't have to say it. I nod pulling out my text book and opening which he takes as a sign I don't want to keep talking about this.


"So how about you? You got all the finer details to my family earlier, what's your secrets golden boy?" I question, teasing him lightly, as we begin to walk towards the great hall

"Sorry to break it to you but it's just my parents and I, happy upbringing, supportive parents, no family drama, we live kind of near the Weasley's, a few towns over,"

"I actually knew that, Arthur mentioned it once,"

"How about you? Where'd you grow up?"

"Godricks Hollow. We lived in London for a while but dad and uncle James got attachment issues and we moved there when I was 5. Two houses next door each other with all the fencing between them knocked down so it was basically one big house. It was just me and dad. well it wasn't. Uncle James has been a constant in my life, Auntie Lil is a godsend she basically did all the mothering stuff for me I mean she might as well be my mum, Uncle Rem is the epitome of the fun uncle and he's around a lot, Uncle Pete is about too but a little less than the others. My blood uncle Regulus is around sometimes but him and dad are kind of phasey. He's around more now the grandparents have snuffed it,"

"Your mum?"

"Skipped town when I was born, Dad knew she was going to but he couldn't leave me,"

"I'm glad you have him. You're family sound great,"

"They are. Makeshift and all over the place but I wouldn't trade it for anything," I grin

"You deserve that. They've brought you up well clearly, I mean the whole castle loves you," his tone is warm and I can't help but think that I have been weirdly open with him, it takes a long time for me to open up to people but with Cedric it just feels right

"Oh come off it, I don't know a girl in the school who isn't obsessed with you," I smile back

"Oh you don't?" Be questions, teasing me lightly

"Sorry pretty boys aren't my thing. You are the prettiest of them I'd that help though," I smirk back

"Well given that it makes me the antithesis of what you want it's more like salt in the wound,"
He laughs and I can't help but join in as we arrive at the entrance to the hall


"Thanks for all your help. I finally actually understand that end chapter ,"

"No problem, any time,"

"Tomorrow, same time?" He grins cheekily

"I thought you already understood it," I tease back

"I do, but you're good to study with and we have exams coming up, I figure we can start studying together, help each other out. I'm a whiz at Herbology  and above average in Potions,"

"I would love to study with you Cedric, you don't have to try and convince me," I smile


"And thanks by the way, I waffle a lot and my family is kind of boring an-"

"I really enjoyed talking with you. It was a pleasure," he smiles

"So, tomorrow?"

"I'll see you there, and in Divination tomorrow morning,"

"Night," I smile

"Thanks again Emily, Sleep well Darling," he smiles warmly before the moment is broken apart when the twins charge through the door dragging me with them to the table making loud kissy noises at the pair of us causing me to blush but Cedric simply laughs as he walks to his own friends. 

Darling. I could get used to him calling me that.

Darling - Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now