-𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 16-

901 16 3

I woke up and payton was sleeping. I grabbed my phone from the table and looked at it to see the time. It was 8:30pm.

"Uhhhh" I groaned and got up from the bed. I turned around and looked at payton and smiled. He's a cutie.

I walked into his bathroom and did my business. I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked out to see payton on his phone.

"Hey bebe." I said kneeling down next to him on the ground. I put my arms and head on the bed and looked at him. He looked down at me and smiled and looked back at his phone.

"What you lookin at." I asked.

"Something." He said smiling.

"Can i seeeee." I whined.

He rolled his eyes playfully and showed me his phone.

"awwww bubs." I said smiling.

He was scrolling through my Instagram.

I got up and went downstairs to watch tv and the doorbell rang.

I walked over and opened the door and a guy was standing there.

Let's just say that he wasn't ugly.

"uhh hi." I said feeling my face heat up.

"hi I have a package for Payton moormeier." He said handing me a box.

"Oh uh yea thanks." I said smiling and grabbing the box.

"could I maybe get your number." He asked.

"I ye" and then I was cut off my the door slamming shut.

I jumped back a little cause the loud noise scared me.

"Oh uh hey payt." I said pushing my hair behind my ears.

"Who was that." He asked.

"Um he was delivering this package." I said handing him the package.

He nodded and grabbed it and put it on the counter and walked back over to me.

I smiled innocently and he grabbed me by my waist and picked me up and ran up stairs and threw me on the bed.

He hovered over me and started roughly making out with me.

"Payton." I said muffled and threw the kiss.

"Mhm" he hummed and pulled away.

"I don't want to do this." I said and looked down.

He grabbed my face and kissed me sweetly.

"It's ok babe." He said smiling and laying on me.

"Can we go on a night car ride please." I asked.

"Sure," he said, getting off of me going to the door and standing by it looking at me.

"What?" I asked giggling and going over to him.

"Lets race down the stairs." He said smirking.

"Someones gonna get hurt." I said.

"No, just come on or I wont take you for a ride." He said.

"Fine." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"Ok ready 3,2,1, GO." He yelled and we both started running dojw the stairs.

I pushed him out of the way and got down first. I turned around and payton rammed right into me.

"Owwww." I whined and rubbed my head.

He got up off of me and started panicking.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, are you ok? Are you hurt? Baby im so sorry. I did-" I cut him off by putting my finger up to his lips.

"Payton im fine. It's ok." I said hugging him.

"Oh my god you scared me." He said hugging me back really tight.

"Payton, I'm fine." I said giggling.
"Payton I can't breath." I said laughing.

"Oh sorry" He said laughing and letting go and helping me get up.

I giggled and walked to the door. He grabbed his keys and we walked out to the car.

We got in and just started driving and we were jamming out to some music.

"Wait stop stop." I said looking out the window at a hill.

He slammed on the brakes and I flew forward but the seat belt caught me.

"Oh my god are you ok." He said putting his hand on my thigh.

"Yea i just saw a pretty hill that we could stop at and watch the stars." I said.

"Oh ok sorry." He said, taking his hand off my thigh and pulling over on the side of the road.

We got out and walked up the hill.

We were in the middle of the hill and I laid down all spread out.

"What are you doing? We aren't at the top of the hill yet." He said laughing and grabbing my hand and pulling me up to my feet.

"Can I have a piggyback ride." I asked pouting.

"Yea" He said laughing and going in front of me so I could get on his back.

I jumped up and he took up the rest of the way.

We got to the top and he set me down.

He laid down and opened his arms for me to lay with him.

I smiled and laid down on top of him and snuggled up into him.

"I'm so happy you call you mine." He said playing with my hair.

I looked up at him and smiled and said, "me too."

I pecked his lips and laid my head back down on his chest and looked up at the stars.

"They're so beautiful," I said playing with the strings on his sweatshirt.

"Just like you." He said poking me in the stomach.

"Your so weird." I said giggling.

"And so are you." He said.

I laughed and just looked up into the sky.

He began playing with my hair again when I started drifting off to sleep.

𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘, p.moormeierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora