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*triggers, panic attacks*

A/n this is how I see Selene :) enjoy the chapter its much happier than the first one.

To say I couldn't sleep was an understatement. 

I didn't feel safe enough to sleep.  My mom's screams and my "dad's" and the docs laughter haunted me. I didn't know what to do... 

I was useless... Pathetic... Maybe he was right after all...

Realization was a bullet.

The walls were closing in. I felt like I was being drowned again. I struggled to get a single breath in. I couldn't see my hands. My whole world felt like it was shaking. My head was hurting from my pounding heart.

'W-what's happening..?'

A soft motherly voice spoke, "Breath in my dear. Everything will be alright. Just wait for a few more days. Your savior will come."

Panicked I looked around in my "room". It was just a twin-sized mattress on the ground, a small vanity that could barely hold all of my clothes, and a bathroom with no mirror. My breaths were still shallow.

"m-maybe I-im just going crazy...g-ghosts don't exist.."My heart was slowing down.

'What's going on..?' I scratched at imaginary itches on my arms. My long nails leaving white marks on my skin.

"Oh, but they do sweet child." 

I looked around my room, still nothing. My back was to the corner in my room. I-if something were to be in here I would see it!

As if on cue, a beautiful woman steps out of the dark.

She nodded her crowned raven locks at me. I didn't dare look her in the eyes... How did I know if she was sent by him?

"look at me child. You have no reason to be afraid of me." Her voice was soft, gentle. As if she knew that I was broken. 

"W-who are you?" My voice sounded groggy. Like I never talked in my life before. 

The woman sat right in front of me and held out her hands towards me. "Look at my hands, my child. What do you see?"

Her hands had two moons. 

One full.

One waxing. 

Its clicked. My prayers had been answered. 

"M-moon goddess?" I couldn't believe it.

She smiled and nodded, " My child, please, call me Selene." 

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