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A/n the other part was over 1100 words 030. I'm proud lol. I really enjoyed writing the meeting between Aviva and Galen maybe we'll get the meeting with our two protagonist:D

So..Galen said I could do a dramatic entrance...Ima do it! 

At the moment, I can see Galen with some girl, by the way, she's walking and her breathing. She has multiple ribs broken, her legs were beautifully covered by her dress. I bet she's May's daughter, Aviva. Her body was so beautiful, why did that pig cover her in bruises?? Her scent was mouth-watering. It smelled like cherry blossoms and roses.  Wait a damn minute-. Didn't Auntie say your mate's scent will be the first to draw your attention? FUCK why didn't I listen to her????

Grumbling, I stood up and just watched her. Her eyes were marked, THE BITCH! She knew I wanted to do it! Aviva and Galen, by the looks of it, they're looking for someone. I could see her mom from where I am. Maybe they're looking for her? Well looks like someone might look at me weird if I just dived down to her. So I did something any sane person would do. I teleported near her. 

I covered my ears, "Please stop screaming!" She was hyperventilating but she wasn't screaming bloody murder at me. 

"Im sorry if I scared- Was that supposed to hurt?" I rubbed at my cheek, she tried to slap but apparently, it hurt her more than it hurt me. "Ma'am all I want is to bring you to safety with your daughter. Please I don't mean you or your daughter any harm."

"H-how do I know you're not lying to me?" She looked shaken up by she didn't look in my eyes. I rubbed at my face and I showed her my mother symbol.

"Believe me now?"

She looked at the symbol then at me, "The sun's symbol.."

I gestured for her to walk with me, making her walk next to me and not behind me. The smell of  cherry blossoms and roses was getting more and more intense the closer we got to Galen and Aviva. Every inch of my body was filled with a fuzzy feeling. I could feel my stomach doing more flips than I would allow. 

The beautiful scent of my possible mate was replaced with blood. 


My claws had a 'mind' of its own and wellll lets just say that I was digging my claws into May's neck while pinning and crashing his windpipe. He was struggling one, because he couldn't breathe, two, because he was trying to get me off of him. 

I knew I looked 'scary' to everyone who was looking at us. Someone with red glowing eyes, and the whole demon package, anyone would be scared shitless. 

I hated my demon voice, it was a very guttural thing, it threw me off every time I used it, "Jackson May. Nice to meet you." I gave him a toothy grin. 

"Grey, enough." Galen grip onto my shoulder. I glared at  him and got off of May. 

"Do I just send him to ya know?" 

"I would, also lose the voice and everything. You're scaring people." The ya know was a dungeon in my wing of hell, its like a spa but filled with blood and not any water or cleaning supplies. So when I was ready ill cut him up. 

I snickered, my voice returning to normal, "Well, Galen, you out of everyone knows that this is my job. Like-GALEN! That fucking hurt!"

I heard Seley mumbling "So if he does it, it hurts you, hmpf.' 

I turned my attention to her, " You know he's a dem-" 


I could hear Galen laughing at me, i mean who wouldn't. The daughter of two Gods smiling and stuttering out nonsense all because I found my mate. Honestly,  I was acting like a cute puppy on adaption day. 

Of course the moment i saw her, I immediately  was hugging her. But it felt wrong some how... She was pushing me away. I could see the disgust in her eyes. 

The first thing she said to me, broke me in a way that I thought I was prepared for.

"I don't date monsters." 

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