
16 1 0

A/n sorry it took me so long to write that chapter and I hate that it was short but I have to get into the groove of writing longer chapters this one is longer:/ I feel like that the reason Aviva’s are so short is because I'm still figuring out how I should write out her character more clearly, will see what I'll come up with 

Hey siri, how do you make a girl stop crying-? Galen and I both looked at each other clueless. We didn’t know how to make a girl like Avi stop crying. If she was demon hysterically sobbing, we would just slap her and be “stap it with the waterfalls” and that would be it. But she isnt, she's my mate and a werewolf. Fuck.

    Galen sighed, “This is why we don’t yell Grey.”

“Dont come at me with that bullshit Gal.” 

Galen shrugged and gave me a bored looked, “She’s your mate, not mine.” 

    “Grey..?” Me and Galen didn’t even realize that she stopped crying. Great!- Well not great-! But- FUCK, you know what I mean. My mind stopped rambling when Avi looked at me with the most precious eyes, GAHH how is she so cute?!

“Yes my angel?” I carefully wrapped my arms around her waist. I don’t think I'll ever get over how well she fits in my arms. She’s a small bundle of fluff. I wonder what her wolf looks like, maybe she has brown fur, or maybe-


    Avi and Seley were both giggling, while Galen held a smug face- that little BITCH! 

Back into the lonely corner I go. Seriously it was Galen who smacked me upside the head. It hurts more because he’s really a half of a half god, i think it was his granddad who was a half god. His mom is a demon, so her blood makes up for the god blood that is running through his blood. I felt small fireworks on my shoulder. Avi poked my forehead with her short nails. 

    She smiled softly showing some pearly whites, “It looks like you were thinking, Godde- why do you look like that?” 

     I was grimacing hard, but I just shook my head and shrugged. “Grey doesn’t like to be called that Avi don’t question it.”

    She thought for a second, her small hand rubbing against her sharp chin-she needed food...her cheeks and eyes were so sunken in..- then she brought it down to hit the other. I am going to cry from how cute she is! My precious angel, so strong and perfect and she doesn’t even realize.

    “You don’t wanna be called that to not bring attention to yourself?”

 I shook my head,‘close enough’, ” It’s not that, but sure we’ll go with that for now.”

    Avi tilted her small head, the dullness of it worried me, ‘Gods we really need to make them both healthy before we meet the Gods’, “How come?”

    “I have my secrets my angel and I know you have yours, one day you'll learn the truth and some day, when you finally allow me to claim you as my mate, I know I'll get to know your secrets. But you need to tell me how Selene marked you as her Star, like as of this minute. Because if she did it wrong, she may or may not have made you her right hand maiden.”

    “Right hand maiden?”

I looked at her with a ‘Really?’ face, I sighed, “ It just means you’ll be like her representation here on Earth, and you’ll be like a maid to her. Which I dont understand as to why she would ever do that to you, when you’re just got out of a controlling household but Selene “knows” best.” 

Galen threw a chicken nuggie at me, of course I caught it in my mouth, “That's gonna be a first.”

“That's what im saying, also where the fuck are you getting these nuggies?”

He looked at me and I looked right back, and he whispered, “I have my ways Grey.”

“Why are you whispering you perv?” 

“Why not?” We shared a confused look.

“Are you sure you two arent related?” Seley’s voice was just above a whisper, but me and Galen could hear her just fine, add something else to my list, take both of them to a therapist, I needed to make sure that they’re mental health was as healthy as can be. 

“Me to this bitch-”

“Who you callin’ a bitch, bitch!”

“Who else bitch!”

“Okay! Enough of the b-word.” Avi's voice was much stronger than Seley’s, which makes sense if you think about it. Avi was marked by the Goddess, she was a fighter- which is perfect for my kinky ass- and finding her mate probably made her more confident. I slide my arm around her boney waist. Even if it was like this, it wouldn’t matter if her hips were filled. I still loved her warmth. I would take anything she would give me, whether it is soft moments where I’m holding her or even some kisses. 

I will make her mine. 

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