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A/n a meeting between our characters...? Perhaps 

"So you're telling me, that May is throwing a ball for all the packs?"

"Yup!" Galen popped the 'p' as he handed me a guest list. " Looks like the whole family is going." 

I scanned through the whole thing until I founded the May family. 

Aviva May and Seley May. "Cute names, I feel bad that they're related to that pig."

"You and me both, sis." Galen was wearing a white button-down with skin tight bottoms. His ass was on full display. Nice. 

"So...I know mother said no more crashing parties butttt for old times sake?"

He threw something at me, "Way ahead of you put that suit on."

I looked at it. It was a beautiful velvet finish, both the pants and the blazer was made from the silky fabric. "Are you sure, Galen, this seems expensive- WAIT A DAMN MINUTE I GOT YOU THIS SUIT!!"

"Hey, now I grew since you got me that, I was like 400 years old when you got me that."

I pouted, "I thought you liked this suit..."

"I do! But its been a hell of a long time since you got me that. Also question, since when did you have double D's?" He showed me one of my bras, which was my least favorite. Sure it was black, but in my size get ones that are push up bras and you're uncomfortable for the whole day.

I held both of my tits in my hands and looked at him, " Sir, it's a single D. I had to get a double D because of that brand! Seriously who made that bra to be so damn expensive!"

"And this is why I am glad I'm not a woman because a) tits and b) you would've tried to fuck me." 

"Who says I would fuck a bitch- I KNOW YOU DID NOT JUST HIT ME WITH MY OWN HEELS!"


Okay called me mean, but he did just hit me in the face...with a stiletto heel, SO I threw it back and aimed for his dick. 

Awh...He dodged my heel... DAMNIT!


He ran out the door. Why does it always have to be a chase? Why cant my prey just sit still...?

"Galen we don't have time for this! We have to get ready for the ball!"

"Stepmother, I love balls!" Oh, my fucking... 

Galen kept poking my thigh as I died from laughter on the damn floor. 

"WILL YOU TWO CAN IT!" When I say Mimi looked pissed. I mean pissed! Okay so, maybe I laughed like a hyena but...I couldn't help myself. 

"Sorry maid Mimi..."

"Are you two even done getting ready yet, it starts in an hour."

Me and Galen looked at each other then back at Mimi, "Perhaps."

Of course, she groaned, "Galen, please leave, I have a Goddess princess to get ready."

Galen gave me a 'good luck' glance and walked out of my room. I looked towards Mimi, "Must you do that?"

"Yes." It was as simple as that. She managed to do my makeup, somewhat glam somewhat natural. The ball was about to start and we needed to get there quickly before anything bad- well something bad did anything worse..?- happened.

Me and Galen couldn't chose which way we should arrive. By our own wings, by car, or by spell. 



"Sir- Im not about to conjure up a 'get me there spell' and mess it up like last time."

He shrugged, "Fine, I'll go by spell you go by wings, happy?" 


"Child." He started the process for his spell. The pentagram, the blood, and the pages from the guest list. As he did all that jazz, I took the time to get out my wings. Its been far too long since I've flown over the beautiful trees, the clouds, the tiny people walking on the streets. I stretched out my wings, almost hitting Galen but he'll live.

When Galen was done making his spell, he looked over at me. "See you there." I nodded and we both took off. 

The air under my wings felt amazing! I opened a portal to the mortal world, the red rock opened up showing me the clear blue skies, that you just don't get in Hell. The fresh air. I loved everything about Earth, even the people like May. It just lets me kill people freely. 

Selene gave me the heartbeat of May's daughter, Aviva, to listen to. And by the way its beating, I don't have much time to protect her or her mother, so I focused my mind to link with hers, which was surprisingly easy. Usually, most people have a wall up, which in turn makes it harder for people like me to get in. But my messages got sent to her. 

"Im close Aviva, you and your mother will be saved tonight."

Im now able to hear and listen to her voice now. Once linked I can also see through her eyes. It took one word from Aviva to make me stop in my tracks. 

"Please hurry!"

I felt my mouth being to bleed. That bastard, he probably punched or slapped her... I growled and flew as fast as the Gods will allow me.

Towards her.

Towards him. 

'You're good as dead, May!'

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