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A/n im eatting chickie nuggies while im writing this so if you read that someone was eating nuggies yeaa thats why :D

I get to torture the fucking Chad group! The man looked like your classic Brad. Just- the try-hard fuckboy in my opinion. I knew killing them wasn't going to be fun, so ill probably throw them all into the part of hell that holds the rapists and let them have their "fun". I didn't agree with what those people did but. Rapists and pervs go into the same part soo I'm not in the wrong. 

I honestly didn't know that Aviva was gonna stay in my arms for as long as she did. I think I'm making her accept me in a way but with all she's been through, I understood as to why she didn't want me to be near her. AT LEAST, I GOT TO FUCKING SNUGGLE HER!  I knew Aviva watched me as I sent them to Hell with a portal instead of killing them. I looked back at her and noticed that she was smiling?? Just 30 minutes ago she told me she doesn't date monsters, all because I almost killed her dad in front of her. 

She makes just as much sense as a the red lady visiting a girl too early. Aviva's scent filled my nose before she was even close to me. 

"You didn't kill them..?" She looked so fucking INNOCENT! UGHHH, my heart went 🥺🥺.

"No..? Why, you sound confused?" I turned around to face her completely, Galen was talking to Seley- WHERE did He get chicken nuggies?? 


"Goddamn Avi, you dont scream unless of course im pounding into you, then screaming is all- WHAT IS IT WITH YOU AND YOUR MOM SLAPPING ME?!" Her blushed face was so adorable! The redness went to just the right places. Her ears, cheeks, nose. AH! So cute!!

"Grey I can hear you fangaying from over here!" 

"STFU!" Avi giggled at my outburst at Galen. "You guys are mean..."Pouting, I pulled Avi to me again, shoving my face into her neck. Avi was playing with my hair, and I noticed a loveseat was in the corner of the room so I think we all know what's about to happen. 

I threw Avi over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"P-put me down." 

"No can do my love."

"Please Grey..." She stopped fighting but she was whining.

"What was that my angel?" 

"Mama.." Okay so I may or may not have dropped her to hide in a dark corner. 

"Aviva what did you do to her?" I knew she shrugged about it. My innocent rosebud. 

I turned to yell at them, " DON'T ANSWER HIM, please Avi."

 "Grey, your fucking face!" Yea, ima head back into my corner now. They were laughing at mee. I rarely blushed about anything! Why now?? 

"If anyone needs me, which will be probably be no one, I'll be here." It was Avi who pulled me out of my depression corner. I was fighting her, I didn't want them to see how red I was, but how was I suppose to decline a hug from my mate. 

'she's a mate that doesn't love you..' 

' it doesn't matter if she's doesn't love me the way I love her. All that matters is that I protect and care for her. Her love will come after.' 

'And if it doesn't come?'

'Then I'll live with it, its her choice to make not mine. If she doesn't want to be my mate, then I can't force her. I want her to be happy, to be happy with me. Not to be forcing herself onto me because she knows it will make me happy.' 

"Grey? A-are you alright?" I nodded and hugged her close. 

I'll never let her get hurt by someone else again. 

But first, I need to get them to their new home. And get their things from their prison. 

I need them to be more open with me if I'm going to get permission to kill off all the pervs in this pack. But I need them to be comfortable and ready to give me that info. I can't force it out of them, that will be just as bad as what that pig did to them.  Depending on how bad all the reports are,  I can use my own judgement, on this case, and do as I see fit. But if its only 1-2 reports, I need permission higher up. But if its more then 10 reports...

I'm going to kill anyone who laid a hand on my mate. I don't care if Avi will see me as a monster. I won't let them live another day.

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