Chapter 10

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"So, where are we going?"

Ethan and Dana were sitting on the back seat as the driver drove them to their destination. Dana didn't know where they were going and hadn't bothered asking him earlier because he was pissed. The last thing she wanted to do was deal with him when he was angry.

"To my office. I have things to take care of and you have some explaining to do." He answered, refusing to look at her.

His office wasn't where she thought they were going. She thought maybe they were going somewhere...nicer. But the office will work just fine as well. After all, they were just going to talk.

About 15 minutes later, they reached their destination. She walked beside him as he walked to his office, nodding at and greeting his employees on his way. As soon as they were inside, he shut his office door. He walked at his desk and took his seat. Dana followed him and sat in one of the seats across the table.

"So..." She trailed off, her eyes roaming around the office before settling down on him.

"From our meeting today with the lawyer I gathered that there are things that others know that I don't know about. Care to explain what's going on and how a lawyer who you've never met before knows more about you than I do?"

"Well, for starters, I think he definitely did some homework." Dana joked. However, she turned serious once she saw his face. He didn't seem amused. Not one bit. "Listen, I didn't want to go into details because I honestly don't see the point in rehashing what happened in the past. I told you what I thought you needed to know."

That just pissed him off a little more. "He hit you! Mr. Smith and Jake both seemed to know that. This is not just an extra detail that can be ignored. It is important. It is something that I needed to know." Then he sighed and took a deep breath. "He escaped from the prison for fuck's sake! This takes the issue to a whole new level, Dana."

"I know." Dana said softly. "But as if I anticipated this."

"Regardless. You have to get out of this. We have to get you out of this. William Dawson is a dangerous man and given your past with him, he needs to stay the hell away from you more than ever. We'll make sure of that." He promised. "I wish you had told me before."

"What could I have said? That I've had such a sad life so far. I fell in love with the wrong person. I was so blinded by the idea of us that I failed to see what was going on around me. It was all a set up between my dad and him. I was just being used as a payment and nothing more. But I realized that and tried getting out of that relationship but William didn't want me to go. And to punish me for wanting to leave him he hit me." Her chest heaved as she tried controlling her emotions. "It took me a while, but I learned to put that behind me and move on. I feel like I had been successful so far. Until this. Until he decided to show up again." She realized that a she was crying when a tear slipped from her eye. She wiped it and laughed with embarrassment. "Sorry. I swear I'm not a cry baby. It's just that this is..."

"I get it." He nodded, handing her his handkerchief. "We'll fix this." He placed a hand over hers and squeezed it as a gesture of offering support. She gave him a small smile in response.

The sound of her phone ringing made him pull his hand away so that she could answer it.

"Hey" Dana said, answering the phone.

"Hello, madame. Where are you? You said you'll be an in two hours late. It's well over that."

"Hi, Miriam. I just got a bit caught up here. I was just about to leave. I'll see you in about 25 minutes?" She asked.

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