Prologue Part 3: Greetings Fellow Students 2

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"Why is she asking you a bunch of questions?" I asked.
"She apparently thinks I'm interesting or something. She's been following me around all day, and it's been so annoying." He explained.
"... why do you have 3 piercings in each ear? Do you know you have a piercing in your mouth..." she still babbled on.
"Is she ok?" I asked.
"Don't know." He replied.
"How did you shake her off of you?"
"I told her that one of the other people here was a secret murderer."
"Oh wait, who are you? When did you get here?" She asked. I looked over at her. She was pointing at me.
"B- BUT I WAS HERE THE WHOLE TIME!!!" I replied. She tilted her head. "DON'T YOU REMEMBER!?"
"Nope. Guess I was to focused on Rajin that I didn't even notice." She said. I felt like I was sweating a little. Am I that forgettable!? I thought. "Welp, I guess I better introduce myself. I'm Genki Fujita, the Ultimate Pilot."

"Wait, were you the person who asked about the airplane?" I asked

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"Wait, were you the person who asked about the airplane?" I asked.
"Yep! Though, I didn't want to leave, I just wanted to fly it." She explained.
"Oh, I see."
"So, what's your Ultimate? Are you nervous? Why are you wearing a hoodie but also wearing shorts? Why were you talking to Rajin... wait, where did he go?" She asked. That's when I realized that he had left. She started running off. Wait... what just happened? I thought.
"She is an oddball that one..." someone said. I jumped back. Now, someone else was standing next to me.
"W- when did you show up!?" I yelled.
"A few moments ago. So, you are the Ultimate Average Student, correct?" They asked.
"How did you know that..."
"I was spying on you."
"You're being honest about it!?" I replied.
"Yes, is that a problem?" He questioned.
"No... it's just... why?" I asked. He folded his arms and closed his eyes.
"I find you interesting..." he explained.
"What does that mean?"
"Well... I haven't known someone 'normal', to say. Another reason, is because you're nice when you don't need to be."
"I'm sorry... but... I'm not that interesting." I replied. He seemed to chuckle to himself.
"That, would be a lie. But, whatever you say." He said. He looked me up and down. "How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Katon Motoko, the Ultimate Ninja."

"Greetings students!" Someone yelled from behind me

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"Greetings students!" Someone yelled from behind me. I screamed, and fell down. Katon grabbed onto me.
"Thanks..." I said.
"Your welcome..." he replied as he stood me up straight.
"Oh no! I am so very sorry! Are you injured!?" The new person asked me.
"It's ok! You don't have to apologize..." I explained.
"Would you mind if I introduced myself?" He asked.
"Not at all. Please do." Katon said.
"Very well! I am Itsuki Haruto, the Ultimate Leader!"

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