Chapter 1 Part 3: Clean Up at Party Central

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I didn't know what to think anymore. Monokuma has some sort of lust for blood and despair. He's even willing to kill someone. I was so lost in my thoughts, that I hadn't realized I was on the floor.

When I realized, I quickly stood back up straight. I didn't want anyone to worry about me, especially since we're already freaking out about Itsuki. I decided that maybe I should check on him. I mean... that would be very scary, for anyone.

I walked through the cafeteria doors, and down the hall. I went up to the door, and was about to knock. But... a sound caught my attention. It sounded like... crying... from the other side. I put my ear up to the door. It was definitely Itsuki.

"H- hey... are you ok?" I asked. The crying seemed to stop, and it turned into sniffles.
"P- please... l- leave me a- alone..." he said. I didn't think he would say that. From my first impression of him, he's loud and open, and likes to share his feelings. But now, he was being quiet. I know that almost dying is traumatizing, but I thought he would want to at least be supported.
"O- oh... I- I mean..." I began.
"Please... LEAVE!!!" He yelled. It sounded like he was crying out. I silently walked away.

I walked past someone. It was... the ghost girl. She held a cupcake in her hands. I stopped, and watched her walk to the Itsukis door. She placed the cupcake down on the ground, and walked away.

I didn't want to think about it, so I just walked away. Everything started to become to confusing for me. Everyone was acting to strange for me. I started walking away. I saw something shine out of the corner of my eye. Yet again, I was curious. I turned and.

"W- Wait... why is this... why is this here!?" I said aloud to myself. In front of me, was was a giant window. Though, it led to another hallway.
"You're wondering why there's a window here?" Monokuma replied, coming out of nowhere.
"Well... ya..." I responded.
"I closed that area off for when the 5th killings happen!" Monokuma laughed.
"W- Wait... 5 killings!?" I asked.
"Yep! Well, that's what I'm hoping for anyway! There are other hallways that also open up when 1 killing happens... 2... 3... you get the idea." Monokuma explained.
"Are you really that confident that people will kill each other?" I questioned.
"Of course I am! I mean, I've seen it happen before!"
"W- Wait... HAS THIS HAPPENED BEFORE!?!?" I yelled.
"Oops! I said to much! That's my que to leave!" Monokuma said, disappearing.

I felt dread come over me. Has this... has this happened before? I thought. Should I... should I tell someone about this? I gulped. I looked at the clock. It was 12:01. It had already been about 2 hours from when the party had started. I don't think it would be fun anymore though. We just had a potential death, so nothing will really lighten up the mood.

"Hey Takahashi... we were planning on trying to make Itsuki feel better!" Kira said, walking up to me. I looked over at her.
"I already tried... he yelled at me to leave." I replied.
"Ok... you don't have to try, but I'm going to have everybody sign this so we can slide it under his door, and hopefully make him feel wanted!" Kira explained. She gave me a piece of paper and a pencil.

Dear Itsuki Haruto, we care about you! Please don't be sad. You're our leader in this team!
Love, Kira.
Dear Itsuki, we'll get through this. I mean, at least you aren't dead.
Love, Imoka.
Don't be sad I guess.
Ena Cho.
If you need, I can help protect you.
Katon Motoko.
I'll do the best I can to help with whatever you need!
Love, Tomio Yuudai.
Don't listen to Tomio. I'll help you!
Sincerely, Asahi.

"So, this is the letter?" I asked.
"Yeah! I'm getting everyone to write little messages on it... and I was wondering... if you could help." She said.
"Alright, I'll write something down." I replied. I quickly wrote something down, and handed it to Kira.
"Thank you!" She smiled, and walked away.

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