Prologue Part 4: Schools Life for Despair

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Kira and I began walking down the hallway. This was the first time I've ever been friends with a girl. Honestly, it was pretty strange. I didn't know if I should say anything.

I looked down at her. She had a blank face. She suddenly turned to look at me. A huge smile appeared across her face. I couldn't help but smile back.

"So... what do you think this is about?" Kira asked.
"Oh I don't know... maybe an activity?" I answered. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as I said that.
"Oh my goodness, it would be so fun if we had a party!" She said with a smile.
"Ya, that would be fun!" I replied. She suddenly stopped. I stood still and stared at her. She looked nervously at the ground.
"I- I..." she began. "have... a secret. I- I feel like I can trust you... so... if possible... please don't tell anyone else... ok?" All I could do was nod. I broke into a nervous sweat. W- what's going on!? I thought. Suddenly, tears welded up in her eyes.
"I- I can't remember..." she explained.
"Can't remember what?" I asked.
"Please get to the cafeteria as soon as possible, or there'll be consequences!" The speaker said. Kira wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at me.
"Come on, we better get going! Don't want to be late!" She said. We began walking to the cafeteria again. Now I felt the horrible feeling of being left on a cliffhanger. You want to know what happens next, but you can't find out until later.

We walked into the cafeteria. About 8 people were already there. We sat down, and waited. We stared at the stage, waiting for something to happen. Finally, after another minute, everyone was there. I looked over at Kira. She looked... disturbed. I didn't understand, but I ignored it.

Suddenly, a plushie appeared on stage, but it didn't look like Pengin. It was a teddy bear. Half white, half black, and one of his eyes were red. At this point, I don't think any of us were surprised. We already met Pengin, so it didn't seem all that weird anymore. Pengin waddled into the room.

"W- WHAT!?!? WHY ARE YOU HERE!?!?!?" Pengin yelled.
"Puhuhuhu, just here to join the school..." the teddy bear replied.
"YOU BETTER LEAVE RIGHT NOW OR I'LL... I'll... GET RID OF YOU MYSELF!!!" Pengin responded. The bear laughed at Pengin. Suddenly, he held a mini gun in his hands. Everyone gasped, as the bear started shooting it directly at Pengin. In a matter of a second, Pengin was gone... and in his place was his beak. There was a moment of silence, before screams echoed throughout the room.
"Calm down! Calm down! Jeez you guys are loud..." The teddy bear said.
"A- are you going to do that to us!?" Someone yelled.
"No! Well... maybe not right now... but that's none of your business." The teddy bear explained. The screams kept echoing around the room. At this point, I couldn't even hear my screams because it blended with everyone else's . "SHUT UP!!! JEEZ!!!" I was so nervous, that I immediately closed my mouth. The room fell silent. "Thank you... alright now it's time for my introduction! My name is Monokuma! I am your headmaster!"
"What's the announcement?" Someone asked.
"I was just about to tell you! Jeez!" Monokuma began. "I've decided to make a little game! Or... activity as the handbook says. It's... THE KILLING GAME!!! Or as I like to call it, Schools Life for Despair!"
"But... how do you play? How does this work?" Someone asked.
"Oh that's simple! If you want to leave, you have to kill somebody!" He explained. I wanted to scream again.
"Ha ha, very funny." Someone replied. "Ok, nice prank. How do you REALLY play?"
"DON'T YOU GET IT!?!? HE ISN'T JOKING!!! HE HAS A MINIGUN AND HE SHOT PENGIN!!! THIS HAS TO BE REAL!!!" Kira yelled, standing up and smacking her hands down on the table.
"Glad to see someone finally gets it!" Monokuma said with a laugh.
"W- why... why do this!?" I yelled. Monokuma was silent for a moment.
"BECAUSE IT'S FOR HIS OWN FUN!!!" Pengin yelled, as he popped up at the doorway.
"W- WEREN'T YOU DEAD!?" Someone yelled.
"I have a bunch of backups, so it'll take more than one death to get rid of me!" Pengin replied.
"I knew that Macaroni here would never die in one go!" Monokuma explained.
"W- Wait... Macaroni?" Pengin responded.
"Yep! Your name is Macaroni now, little brother!"
"Then older brother? Nah, that doesn't sound as good."
"I'M NOT YOUR BROTHER!!!" Monokuma looked annoyed. Suddenly, he grabbed out his minigun.
"Shut up, or he gets it!" Monokuma said. I looked back up at Monokuma. He was pointing it right at me. I let out the biggest scream in my entire life.
"ALRIGHT!!! JUST DON'T POINT IT AT HIM!!!" Macaroni yelled. "I never thought you were the type to threaten..."
"I'm not, I just knew you'd shut up if I did that!" Monokuma replied, putting the minigun away. "Alright, so here's how the game works! To escape, you need to become a blackened. A blackened is someone who has killed another student! The blackened gets to leave, if they make it past the trial."
"What trial?" Kira replied.
"I was just about to explain that. So, every time that someone is killed, you all get to do an investigation! Once you have finished the investigation, you get to go to the class trial, where you have to debate about who done it." Monokuma explained. "Also, you will vote on who the blackened is. If the majority vote is wrong, then everyone but the blackened will be punished! If the blackened is voted, then only the blackened will be punished!"
"What is this 'punishment'?" Someone asked. Monokuma started laughing. When he stopped, he whispered something that I never had imagined.
"...death..." I immediately stood up from my seat, slamming my hands down on the table.
"B- but this shouldn't happen! B- because the student eHandbook says that teachers can make any activities that are safe! S- so you can't make a killing game!" I yelled.
"Didn't you hear what he said? He can make a killing game... because he's..." Mikako Tsubaki began.
"THE HEADMASTER!!!" Monokuma laughed. Wait... he's... he's the bear I saw in my dream! I thought. "Oh ya! I made some new rules in your eHandbooks!"

Almost immediately, I opened my eHandbook. I think everyone else did as well. Though, I didn't care. What were these rules!?

1. Students may explore the campus anytime they choose. But, some areas are strictly prohibited. They may not enter those areas unless given permission.
2. "Nighttime" starts from 10 pm and ends at 7 am. Some areas may be off limits at this time.
3. Violence against the staff is prohibited, and may cause you to be punished.
4. The teacher can set up activities anytime they want. These activities will not harm the students in some ways, and should bring happiness.
5. Additional rules may be added later.
6. When someone kills someone else, they become the blackened.
7. If three people find a body, then the announcement will go off.
8. The killer may do it however they want. Stabbing, electrocution, impaling, strangling, torture, poison, suffocation, heat, freezing, etc.
9. If the blackened is voted out, then only the blackened is punished. If the blackened isn't found out, then everyone besides the blackened is punished.
10. One person may only kill 2 people, if they go above that number, they will be punished.
11. If there is more than one killer, then everyone must decide who killed first, and they will both be punished.
12. You may have accomplices, but the blackened is whoever lands the final blow.

"Alright everyone! That's it for now! I'll come back later. Oh and Macaroni, you can speak now!" Monokuma announced, before disappearing.
"This is bad guys... REALLY REALLY BAD!!!" Hana Asami yelled in a panic.
"Don't panic everyone. I mean, no one is going to kill each other over this, right?" Itsuki said.
"Alright everyone! Don't panic! How about this, to make you all feel better, we'll have a school dance!" Pengin replied.
"But... why a school dance?" Aiko asked.
"I don't know! Just for fun! I'll plan it, you guys do whatever you want to get ready!" Pengin explained.
"Y- yeah... that would be fun... right everyone?" Kira asked.
"Indeed. This will be most fun. Shall we split everyone up into teams of 4, so we can properly prepare?" Katon questioned.
"Yep! Let's do this!" Imoka replied, jumping for joy.
"Alright, but I'm working alone." Rajin responded.
"Wait, why?" Tomio asked.
"I don't trust any of you guys with fabric." Rajin explained with a smirk on his face.
"I can handle fabrics!" Ena yelled at him, directly in the face.
"It's not that you can't. It's just a matter of distrust."
"I'll come up with some entertainment!" Tomio said.
"NO I WILL!!!" Asahi yelled at Tomio. Tomio looked sort of embarrassed to be standing next to him.
"I- I don't know what I will do..." I replied.
"We still need to have some sort of meeting about this, so it's fine! Everyone, we'll meet at 3:00 pm in the meeting room! Oh wait, can we use the meeting room, or is it off limits?" Kira responded.
"It's perfectly fine." Pengin replied. Looks like we've got a party to look forward to. I thought.

Current state of Students:
Mikako Tsubaki: Alive
Wakusei Fujin: Alive
Asahi Shimizu: Alive
Sin'ichi Uyeda: Alive
Kira Chiyoko: Alive
Tomio Yuudai: Alive
Rajin Ankoku: Alive
Genki Fujita: Alive
Katon Motoko: Alive
Itsuki Haruto: Alive
Ena Cho: Alive
Hana Asami: Alive
Aiko Mustoko: Alive
Imoka Hotaru: Alive
Comet (The Horse): Alive
Ghost Girl: Alive
Takahashi Kondo: Alive

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