Chapter 2 Part 8: Lasers at the Hunt

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Itsuki was on the ground. Everyone started to panic.

"STOP PANICKING!!! LOOK AROUND!!!" Hana explained.

Even though I knew he was going to die. Even though I knew this was the end of Itsuki Haruto. I wouldn't let go. I wouldn't let go of hope... even though I should.

In a matter of seconds, he would be dead. Pengin couldn't help him, since he was still stuck in his glass box. Monokuma wouldn't help. He wanted death.
Suddenly, the beeping stopped.

"The fear spread across your faces, aw I haven't felt that feeling for so long." Someone said. But... who? I looked up. I gasped.

"What's wrong? Do you feel intimidated

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"What's wrong? Do you feel intimidated. That's natural!" Itsuki explained.
"W- what happened!? What's wrong Itsuki!?" I asked. He smiled at me. His eyes. His eyes were swirls. Insane almost.
"Oh, nothings wrong. I've always been like this." Itsuki replied. Always... been like this? I thought.
"This is very interesting! Very interesting indeed! I didn't expect this plot twist!" Monokuma said. "I love it!"
"How did you get my ninja star?" Katon questioned. He seemed nervous.
"It was easy. I expected more from the Ultimate Ninja." Itsuki responded.
"I- Itsuki... w- what do you m- mean you've alway b- been like this!?" Wakusei asked.
"This is so boring. Can we get back to the part about death? Something that's actually interesting?" Itsuki asked.
"Why would I answer that? It ruins the trial!" Itsuki said.
"You guys are so confused. It's beautiful! Aw man... I haven't felt so happy in a long time!" Itsuki explained. He seemed so happy. But in a crazy way. "It's such a shame. I could kill you all so easily. Makes it boring."
"K- kill us!? Why!? And how!?" Kira said.
"Woah woah slow down there buddy! I don't want the insane person to kill themself right off the bat!" Monokuma explained. "I don't want to get rid of the interesting player because they murdered everyone here!"
"I assure you Monokuma, I could kill everyone here before you could take me out." Itsuki replied.
"Huh?" Monokuma didn't really know what to say. "That's impossible, but I'd love to see you try!"
"Nah, I'll wait till later." Itsuki said. He paused for a moment, and then looked back towards us. "So, you gonna figure out who the killer is? I mean, you can talk about me all you want, but that's only awaiting some of your deaths." I grabbed the podium, and stared at the ground. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't move. Was I intimidated? Was I scared? Was I confused. My mind was wandering everywhere. Questions entered my mind faster then the speed of sound. Suddenly, something came to mind.
"There are two murderers." I said. Everyone looked at me. I stood there, trying to look confident. I probably looked like an idiot. "There were two. Not one."
"How would you know!?" Ena replied.
"I'm guessing that Itsuki uses the pills to stop this... personality. Whoever took them must have known they couldn't kill more then two people. So... they were going to kill Itsuki as well..." I explained.
"How are we sure that Itsuki uses the pills to hide this personality?" Katon asked.
"I don't know... but the old Itsuki must have known about this side of him... and must have been trying to hide it..." I replied.
"Wait... are you an entirely new person... or are you Itsuki, just different." Kira asked.
"Huh? Oh, I'm Itsuki. But this is the better version. The old personality is just soooooooooooo boring." Itsuki explained.
"Let's get back to the trial. So, since we know there are two murderers... how do we figure out who they are?" I questioned.
"Tomio and Asahi. I'm calling it." Ena said.
"Yeah! What Hana said!" Asahi responded.
"Calm down! Let's just get through this! Okay, Ena, could you calmly explain why you think they are the killers?" Kira replied.
"Sure... whatever. Asahi, he had this sudden shift in personality. The nice guy act. Tomio? Since they were rivals, it's only right to assume Asahi would try and team up with him, so it would seem like an unlikely killing partnership, and they'd get away with it." Ena explained.
"Wow Ena, I guess you aren't some screaming baby all the time. I'm proud of you!" Hana said. Ena snapped, preparing a kick. She was about to hit Hana right in the face... when. "Oh you thought you could kick me! Is it because I'm small? Do you think I'm weak? News flash, I'm not. So I can block your hits anytime. Want to try again?" Ena was shocked. She paused, and then stood back. "Alright, now that that's been cleared up, let's get through this. Let's find out how Aiko died." I nodded, still kind of terrified that Hana was able to block Ena's kick.
"Alright, so if we assume Aiko was kill with the laser tag gun, doesn't that mean the culprit was on red team?" I asked.
"Takahashi... we talked about that earlier." Kira said.
"Yep! It was last chapter!" Monokuma replied. We all looked at him.
"Last... chapter?" I questioned.
"Sorry! I couldn't help the fourth wall break!" Monokuma explained. I didn't understand what that meant, so I just went back to the trial.
"It's safe to say that the killers used two different weapons. But when would they have done it?" I asked.
"Asahi could have killed in the morning. After all, he is on breakfast duty." Ena replied. "Did anyone go through the auditorium after that?" We all shook our heads.
"Is it Itsuki? After all... he has just gone... insane..." Kira said. "And... what about the feather? Does that have anything to do with it?" We all paused.
"Wait. Ena... I think you're right!" I responded. "Tomio... do you remember the dove from the first day?"
"Um, yeah?" Tomio said.
"Since Tomio had that bird, that means that he had the feather! I saw that from the first magic trick the first day!" I replied.
"W- what!?" Tomio responded. Tomio started to sweat.
"The other person was Asahi!" I accused.
"This is nonsense!" Asahi yelled.
"You were the person on breakfast duty, which would give you the capability of killing someone without anyone knowing! Also, the sudden change in personality doesn't help your case!" I explained.
"You're blaming ME for the sudden change in personality!? What about Itsuki!?" Asahi yelled.
"Both of you might have different personalities! All of you!" Ena screamed back. Asahi had a shadow over his face. Tomio looked confused and scared.
"I admit it. Tomio and I killed them." Asahi replied.
"WHAT!?" Everyone yelled.
"I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE!!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?!?!" Tomio cried. Asahi ignored him.
"But... you still might not win the trial." Asahi replied.
"Have you already forgotten the rules?" Asahi asked. His face went insane. Almost as insane as Itsuki. "You still need to figure out which one of us killed who, and who killed first." We all looked around at each other. This was going to be at least a little bit difficult.
"STOP IT!!! I DIDN'T KILL ANYBODY!!!" Tomio cried.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Tomio replied. He started crying.
"Guys... I don't think Tomio is lying-" Wakusei began.
"Alright, we have to figure out who killed who, and who did it first." Hana said aloud. We all paused for a second.
"Guys-" Wakusei started.
"Okay, we know that we found the feather next to Aiko's body. Which means that Tomio must have killed her." I explained. "So Asahi killed Genki."
"Okay, but how do we figure out who killed first?" Kira asked. There was a long pause. Longer then what we'd all like.
"Alright guys, I don't think-" Wakusei began.
"You know, if you guys are just going to sit here, you're all going to die." Monokuma explained.
"Here Monokuma, I know how to end all of this." Itsuki said. He pointed his finger at all of us, one by one. Then, he disappeared. I felt something at my neck. My eyes looked down, without moving anything else. A ninja star. My eyes directed their attention to the person who was right next to me. Itsuki. I was about to speak, and try and grab his wrist to bring his hand away from my neck. "Ah ah ah! Don't move. Don't speak. And don't breathe. I want you to do something for me. You have key information to finding out who killed first. So, I only want you to say who did it, and then I'll let you explain. Got it?" I nodded. I looked around the room with my eyes, thinking.
"Asahi... he killed first..." I said. Itsuki brought the ninja star down, and walked back to his podium.
"Now, explain." He replied. He glared at me. I guess he knew the answer, and would kill me if I got it wrong.
"I saw Tomio at the mini golf game in the morning, right after Asahi was supposed to bring food. Which means that he killed someone." I began. "And if he killed someone, then he could have killed me. But... since he might've stole Itsuki's pills, he wouldn't want to risk it. But now... I'll do a summarization so you all know what happened." I said. I was ready. "Asahi, this morning grabbed the pizza saw and walked into the laser tag arena. He set up his trap, and waited. Genki happened to pass by, and Asahi pushed her back into the saw. He put tape over her mouth so no one would find her if she screamed. Tomio stole Itsuki's pills before he could wake up. Then, Tomio met me at the laser tag auditoriums door. He distracted me, and then walked back into the auditorium. Asahi gave him the laser tag gun so he could frame someone on red, and then bashed her head open, killing her. Then they acted like nothing happened, and let the time run out, so everyone could find the bodies. Isn't that right, Asahi Shimizu and Tomio Yuudai!"
"BUT I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!" Tomio cried. He was truly panicking. He was balling his eyes out. Asahi smirked.
"Good job. Everyone, let's vote." Asahi said.
"Guys-" Wakusei tried to talk again.
"Alright! Onto the voting! Pull the lever with whoever you think killed first, and if you like you can pull the second person who killed!" Monokuma explained.
"I DIDN'T DO IT!!!" Tomio cried.

I pulled Asahi's lever first, and then pulled Tomio's. Once the results were in, all our faces spun around. It landed on Asahi, and in the corner was Tomio's face. There was confetti and recorded applause.

"Yep! Asahi and Tomio did it! Congratulations!" Monokuma said. Pengin was mad, and started smacking his fins on the glass.
"Why? Why did you do it?" Kira asked. Asahi smiled.
"I just wanted Tomio to die in the worst way possible. Even if it meant I had to die as well." Asahi explained. "Oh, and I stole the pills. Not Tomio. But, you won't find them. I guess Itsuki will be like this forever!" Itsuki smiled. Most of us froze. We didn't want this version. We wanted the old Itsuki back. Tomio, looked shocked. His face was white, and he stiffened. A shadow was over his face.
"But... how..." Tomio asked.
"Tomio, you can stop. You're the culprit, and we all know it already." Hana replied.
"But... I didn't... I didn't kill anyone..." Tomio said. He was shaking. Tears filled his eyes. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!" He was balling his eyes out.
"Guys! I don't think he's lying!" Wakusei yelled out above the crowd. We all looked at him.
"He might be acting. But we already know it's him." I explained. Wakusei was quiet.
"O- okay... but... he..." Wakusei tried to get the words out. "Tomio seems like he's telling the truth..."
"Alright! It's punishment time!" Monokuma laughed.
"NNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Tomio cried.

Asahi suddenly appeared on a stage. His feet were chained to the wall. Infront of him was a microphone. A sign showed up, and it said "An Explosive Laugh, Asahi Shimizu the Ultimate Comedians execution". Infront of him, were three Monokuma's sitting in a table and chairs. Asahi started to speak, and one of the Monokumas threw a tomato. It landed next to him, and exploded. Asahi started to freak out. He had blood on his leg where the tomato bomb had been. He started trying to speed up his act, trying to make the Monokumas laugh. They continuously threw tomatoes at him. Suddenly, one flew at his face, and exploded in mid air. When it cleared up, Asahi was laying on the ground. His head... was gone.

(No picture representation because I don't know what I'd do.)

Suddenly, something clamped around Tomio's neck. He flew backwards, as the chain dragged him towards a stage. One way bigger then Asahi's. Many guns, and traps were set around a single box in the middle. He flew in, and more of theses chains clamped onto him. A sign appeared. "The Final Act, Tomio Yuudai the Ultimate Escape Artists Execution". Then box suddenly closed, and at least 60 locks closed it. Then, at least 100 Monokuma's took their places. They all had guns, rocket launchers, or flame throwers. Suddenly, they all fired at once. You couldn't see anything, but they were definitely firing at the box. After about three minutes, they stopped. And where the box has been... as a pile of ashes around a hole in the wooden floor. A hole made of gun shots, rockets, and flames.

(No picture representation because I don't know what I'd do.)

Current state of Students:
Mikako Tsubaki: Dead
Wakusei Fujin: Alive
Asahi Shimizu: Dead
Sin'ichi Uyeda: Dead
Kira Chiyoko: Alive
Tomio Yuudai: Dead
Rajin Ankoku: Alive
Genki Fujita: Dead
Katon Motoko: Alive
Itsuki Haruto: Alive
Ena Cho: Alive
Hana Asami: Alive
Aiko Mustoko: Dead
Imoka Hotaru: Alive
Comet (The Horse): Alive
Ghost Girl: Alive
Takahashi Kondo: Alive

Comedians Microphone Obtained!
Magicians Handcuffs Obtained!

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