Chapter 2 Part 4: Lasers at the Hunt

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I stayed seated for most of the time. Sometimes, I'd stand up, and wander around the room. But there wasn't really anything to explore, so I'd end up sitting back down in my seat.

"Jeez, you're really are boring! Just sitting around all day is making me sick!" Monokuma said, popping up. "I've been watching you on the cameras, and you haven't moved at all! Well, except for occasionally walking around the room!"
"What's the point?" I asked.
"Do something! It's sssoooooooooooo boring!" Monokuma explained.
"Monokuma, I advise you not to annoy the students. They might retaliate." Katon said, basically popping out of nowhere. Well, more like he caught me by surprise.
"What would you guys do anyway? I mean, if you attack me then you die!" Monokuma laughed.
"Not that they'd attack you, but they might not do what you want them to." Katon replied.
"OH CRAP THAT WOULD BE SCARY!!! THANKS KATON!!!" Monokuma yelled, disappearing.
"Um... thanks for getting rid of him." I said.
"You're welcome." Katon replied. I paused for a moment. I wanted to ask him something now.
"Hey... can I ask you a weird question?" I began.
"Yes, of course." Katon said.
"Well... how did you become a ninja?" I asked. Katon seemed surprised. He nearly fell back. He stood up, stared at me, and sighed. He sat down in a chair next to me.
"I will tell you, but it's a long tale. Are you prepared?" He replied. I didn't really know?
"Um... yeah." I responded.
"Ok..." Katon began. He sighed, and started the story. "I was kidnapped when I was young, my parents were killed, and then I was saved by ninjas. That's the sum of it."
"Wow... that was very direct." I replied.
"I don't want to bore you with the details." Katon explained.
"Well... but I thought you'd at least want to add a little bit of detail." I responded,
"Do you like the horror genre?" He asked.
"No. I absolutely hate it. This whole killing game is basically horror." I replied.
"Yeah, you wouldn't like to hear the details. To gory."
"I mean... alright?" I guess it was for the best. I don't like gore.
"I also have a question. How are you the Ultimate Average Student? I think there's no such thing. Does it apply to both genders?" He asked.
"I think it only applies to my gender. I also think it might be what schools think are average." I explained.
"I see... very strange of people to assume." Katon began. "Now, I must go check on everyone in the laser tag arena. I will see you later."
"Alright, bye." I said. Katon walked through the door.

I decided to leave the room. When I did, I walked over to the obstacle course. I didn't know if I really could complete it, but I decided that I had to try. I started climbing. When I got 1/4 of the way, Asahi was sitting there.

"..." he just sat there. Oh crap! It's Asahi! I can't finish this! I thought. "Hey Takahashi... can I have a talk with you?" He asked. Oh crap... I thought.
"Um... yeah... I guess." I walked over at sat next to him.
"I know that I must sound really mean to you guys... I just... let jealousy get to me." He explained.
"I don't think you need to apologize to me. I think you need to apologize to Tomio." I replied.
"Ugh... I hate to think of that... but I guess you're right. I just... hate him so much!" Asahi responded.
"Why? I mean, he doesn't seem like he did anything to you."
"I don't think he remembers, but he stole my place on every talent show I've ever entered. I think that he was just trying to annoy me. I always got second place or less because of him. It's... so FRUSTRATING!" Asahi angrily gripped his hands. "I hate him. If I could kill him before I died, I would."
"Please don't say that." I replied.
"Oh, I wouldn't kill him in these circumstances. I'm not listening to that stupid bear." Asahi responded.
"I'll talk to Tomio about the talent show thing. See you later." I said, standing up and jumping down. I guess I wasn't finishing the obstacle course today.

I walked back into the auditorium that leads to the laser tag arena. Of course they're here... I thought. I walked up to them.

"Hey Genki..." I said.
"Oh hey Takahashi! Why are you here?" She asked.
"I'm going to go talk to Tomio. Say, why do you ask so many questions?"
"Why do I ask so many questions? Well, the world is really strange. I honestly wanted to become a scientist, but flying was my true passion!" Genki explained. "I love knowledge! But things that puzzle me make me unhappy."
"Good to know." I replied.
"Why are you going to talk to Tomio?" She asked.
"I just wanted to talk to him about Asahi." I responded.
"Why? Did Asahi do something wrong?" She questioned. This is gonna go on forever... I thought.
"It's nothing. Gotta go!" I quickly said, running through the door to the laser tag arena.
"WAIT-" I shut the door as she said that.

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