Chapter 2 Part 5: Lasers at the Hunt

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I waved goodbye to Rajin. He was nice, nicer then me. People say that I'm nice when I don't need to be, but he was like that. Being nice to Monokuma? Maybe it was a survival strategy. Suddenly, the TV came on.

"The time is 10 pm, nighttime has officially started!" Monokuma said on the TV. It turned off. I sighed, walking to my room.

I walked into my room. I sat down on my bed. I didn't really know if I wanted to go to bed. I mean, I could die in my sleep. But if I didn't go to bed, then I probably wouldn't be able to feel energized, which would probably kill me. I laid down, and fell asleep.

I sat up in my bed. I yawned and stretched, trying to wake myself up. I sighed, and walked towards the door. I opened it slightly. Suddenly, I heard a scream. It sounded like someone was panicking. I ran out.

Itsuki was looked in under the couch. He suddenly jumped up, and started pushing it. When he was done, he kicked it, and pushed over the coffee table. He looked like he was panicking.

"ITSUKI!!! WHAT'S WRONG!?" I asked as loud as a I could. He suddenly looked directly at me. Fear was spread across his face, as if he had seen a ghost. Tears fell from his eyes. He ran up to me.
"I CAN'T FIND MY PILLS!!!" He screamed, as he grabbed his hair and pulled it, before running back to whatever he was doing. I felt myself start to break into a cold sweat. I walked up to him.
"Listen, you need to calm down. I'll help you look!" I said.
"O- ok..." he replied. I sighed, walking over.
"Hey... what are you guys doing?" Asahi asked.
"We're looking for his pills." I replied.
"I'm sorry about that. Do you need help?" Asahi asked.
"No it's fine! You don't have to do that!" I responded. Asahi was really trying to be nice to everyone. It was a nice change of pace.

We looked around for awhile. I couldn't find anything. I sighed, walking into the number 1 hallway. When through, I started walking towards the laser tag arena.

"Hey Takahashi, do you wanna play some mini golf with me?" Tomio asked as I was about to walk in.
"Oh, sure!" I replied. We started walking to the mini golf door. I grabbed a golf club, and walked into the room. I put the golf ball down, and hit it. The ball hit a mini wall.
"So, why are you the Ultimate Average Student?" Tomio asked. I paused for a moment.
"I think they based it off of what schools see as average. I don't think it matters though." I replied. Tomio hit his golf ball, and it immediately went into the hole. "H- how did you do that!?" I questioned.
"It's actually a really simple hole if you get the mathematics down. But I won't bore you with the details." He responded.
"Ummmm ok..." I said, hitting the ball and it got into the hole.
"Say... what are your opinions on everyone here?" He asked. I paused for a moment.
"Well, first things first, you're really nice. Asahi... I still don't really trust him. I can't tell if he's just trying to get on our good sides or not, so he won't die."
"Yeah... that makes sense. Asahi is sort of annoying as well..." Tomio said. That made sense. After all, Asahi had been the one who was always yelling at him.
"Next person. It's sad, but Mikako was really nice. She just had to be the first one to die. We'd really need those analysis skills." I explained.
"I sort of feel bad for Sin'ichi, he just wanted to help his family." Tomio replied. Thinking about it made me want to cry.
"Who do you think will die next? Well, if someone does die." I asked. Tomio paused for a second.
"Maybe Ena? She's always rude. But maybe Itsuki..." Tomio hesitated a little bit.
"Why Itsuki?" I asked.
"I mean, he needs his pills, and someone could easily take them away." He replied. I paused right before is hit the ball into the next hole.
"He actually lost them this morning..." I said. I hit the ball into the hole.
"You know, someone might've stolen them. Maybe to murder him." Tomio said. He made a good point.
"I never... I never thought about it that way..." I replied. I face palmed right after. "How am I so stupid!? I never thought about it that even though it's a killing game!"
"You know... this killing game... do you think that maybe... one of us here is the one behind it?" I stared at him.
"That doesn't sound right..." I said. "I don't want to suspect any of the other students of doing something that bad."
"Okay, I'm just saying it's a possibility." We were silent for the rest of the game. We put the equipment away. I grabbed out the card.
"Man... I'm really bad at this... you got a hole in one every single time..." I said, pouting a little bit. "I didn't even get close to your score."
"It's nothing really, you don't have to be mad. It's probably just luck..." He replied. I made a pouty, sort of annoyed face at him. He had a nervous smile. "Well... maybe not that much luck..." he knew I wanted him to say that. But that kinda made me mad. "Alright, see you later!" He walked away into the laser tag arena.

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