Chapter 1 Part 2: Clean Up at Party Central

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"I bet it's not really that big of a problem! I'm going to go walk around." I said, standing up as Kira turned the lights back on.
"Ok! We'll see you later!" Kira replied with a smile.

I walked out of the room and down the hall to the dorms. I walked over to my room, and was about to grab out my e-Handbook. I heard something fall to the floor. I turned around, and saw an open door. My curiosity got the best of me, and I quickly walked over.

As I walked in, I couldn't help to gasp in awe. There was a rack of clothing with party clothes on it. The designs were so plain and simple, but yet so extravagant. It felt like a wonderland of fabric.

"You like them?" Someone asked. I looked over. It was Rajin.
"Ya! I can really see that you're the Ultimate Fashion Designer now!" I replied. He turned off the sewing machine, and put whatever clothing it was onto a hanger. He hung it up.
"Thanks. I guess that was the last of them. Though, you can't know who they're for yet. I'm going to put these on everyone's doorknobs in bags as a surprise." Rajin explained. "Though, I guess you can have yours right now." He handed me a bag.
"Alright! I won't look at it until tomorrow when the party starts!" I replied.
"That's good. Now get out so you don't see anybody else's outfits." He said. I nodded and walked out.

I ran into my room, and threw the bag onto my bed. I sighed in relief and sat down on the bed. I don't know why, but I was exited. Maybe it was because I knew that he had some great talent.

"Hey kid. What are you doing?" Someone asked. I turned around, and it was Monokuma.
"Why are you here..." I questioned.
"Aw man... I thought you were gonna freak out when you saw my adorable face again... oh well. What do you have there?" He replied.
"It's a party outfit from Rajin." I explained.
"Wow! I can't wait to get my own party outfit!" Monokuma said. I looked back down at him.
"I don't think he made one for you..."
"Well he'll have to now, or he'll go into time out!" I stared down at him.
"Do you mean... detention?" I asked.
"Detention... time out... same thing!" Monokuma replied, before disappearing. I heard a scream for a moment. I looked out the door, and it was Rajin next to Monokuma.

I jumped onto the bed, and laid there. I was so exited for tomorrow. I couldn't fall asleep. Though, there was the possibility of a killing going on. Though, I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I mean, it's just a house. I felt myself drift off to sleep.

I opened my eyes, sitting up and stretching. I looked around, and then down at my bag. I smiled, and grabbed the bag, quickly opening it to see what it was. A leather vest, with shorts and a white t-Shirt, with a logo of a tiger.

I almost immediately freaked out. It was both in fear, and amazement. The design was awesome, but also nerve racking. How did he know I liked this style!? I thought. I tried not to think to much about it, and put it on. I stood in the mirror. I was happy with it.

I walked over to the door and opened it. Mikako Tsubaki was there. She was wearing a long white dress, with shiny pink dots going up about half way. She looked sort of nervous.

"H- hey... can I... stay with y- you for a while?" She asked.
"O- oh! I- I mean... that's fine!" I replied. She walked in and sat on my bed. I closed the door behind me. I sat down next to her. "Is something wrong?"
"I- I... I'm trying t- to avoid someone..." she explained.
"Well... why?" I asked. She put her hands together.
"Well... I- Itsuki says that I'm s- someone who shouldn't d- die... because th- they need my a- analysis skills... a- and now... I can't go anywhere w- without Katon having to f- follow me..."
"Oh... that's pretty bad. But... you should take this as an opportunity to meet him!" I replied. She looked at me.
"I- I try t- to talk to h- him... but he j- just says th- that he'll talk after h- he's done with his w- work..." she explained.
"Oh... that sucks..." I responded. Suddenly, there was a knock outside the door. I walked up, and looked in the little peephole. No one was there. I turned around and screamed.
"So, I see you're hanging out with Takahashi." Katon said.
"HOW DID YOU GET IN MY ROOM!?" I yelled. Tsubaki screamed as she realized Katon got there.
"I have my ways..." he replied. Mikako ran out of the room and down the hall. Katon rolled his eyes. "This is really getting annoying..."
"Why do you say that? Mikako says you've been having to follow her." I responded. He folded his arms and closed his eyes.
"She's making it difficult to protect her. I've had to protect people before, like be there body guard. Most people do like to have their freedom, and run away, so I just watch them from afar, but she's on a different level. She won't let me see her at all." Katon explained
"Oh... I guess that makes sense... shouldn't you know, go watch her?" I asked.
"I was about to. I will see you at the party." He ran out of the room.

I walked out into the hallway. No one was there. I shrugged my shoulders as I went in the same direction Katon went in. I walked into the cafeteria to see what was going on in there.

Almost everyone was there. Well... everyone except the girl that kept ghosting everyone. Music was playing, and I couldn't help but smile and sway to the beat. The lights were turned off, and the fairy lights illuminated the area again.

"Hey Takahashi! Come join everyone!" Kira said. She had a cupcake in each hand. She wore a sparkly blue tank top with jeans.
"I- it's ok... I'm fine..." I replied. She didn't look to happy. She started taking the wrapper off the bottom of the cupcake.

Suddenly, she stuffed it into my mouth, and grabbed my hand, dragging me into the center. She started doing a little dance, letting go of my hand and eating the cupcake. I grabbed her cupcake, and stuck it into her mouth. She pushed me away laughing.

I felt someone grab my arm. I looked down, and it was Mikako. She looked scared. Katon appeared next to me, and she ran away. I wiped the cupcake frosting from my face.

"See! You just gotta liven things up!" Kira claimed. I smiled back.
"Hey Kira, I have a few questions." Genki said.
"Oh! Alright! See you later!" Kira replied, walking away.
"So Takahashi... how has your day been?" Someone asked. I turned around. It was Sin'ichi.
"It's been great!" I said with a smile.
"I am sorry for saying that I take pity on you. I do know that might hurt your feelings a little bit..." he apologized. I stared him in the eyes.
"Oh it's perfectly fine! I didn't really mind it at all!"
"That's good to hear. I'm going to go talk to someone, see you soon." He explained, walking away. I decided I should probably talk to some people as well.
"Hey, how do you like the party?" I asked, walking up to Hana Asami.
"It's ok..." she replied.
"Well... it's just that... I feel like everyone looks down on me because I'm small... WHICH I'M NOT!!! I'M AVERAGE HEIGHT AND EVERYONE ELSE IS ABNORMALLY TALL!!!" She yelled.
"I don't look down on you. I think you're cooler than me." I explained.
"Whatever you say." She said, walking away. I felt like I had to go talk to other people.
"So, do you still need a magic kiss for your back?" Aiko asked.
"You do realize that... doesn't exist..." I explained.
"Soooooo no magical kiss?" She questioned.
"No magical kiss."
"Alright! See you later!" She skipped away.
"That was strange..."
"Hey friend! Listen, I'd like to hang out with you! I know you've been paying attention to Tomio, but I forgive you!" Asahi said.
"But... I haven't even really met you-" I began.
"WELL I TAKE BACK MY APOLOGY!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" He yelled. I never imagined the Ultimate Comedian to be so mean. I walked away.
"Asahi is really mean..." Imoka said. Her horse licked my face.
"Ew..." I said.
"Wow, being licked in the face by Comet is a blessing!" Imoka yelled at me.
"Why is your horse acting like a dog?" I asked. Her smile was lost, and anger appeared instead. She grabbed her horse and walked away.
"I appreciate these decorations Takahashi! Thank you very much for finding them for everyone!" Itsuki yelled. It made me jump again. He always came out of nowhere. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! Forgive me!"
"It's ok! You don't have to apologize!" I explained. He smiled. For some reason his pupils seemed to turn into swirls. An alarm went off. He fell to the ground.
"W- WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?!?" I screamed. He looked like he was in pain. Everyone came over.

He held his stomach. Was he... dying!? Was he poisoned!? Pengin popped up out of nowhere, and held a small orange container. Pengin opened it, and popped two pills into his mouth. He swallowed, and started panting. He stood up, fear spread across his face.

"I- I'll be going..." he explained, walking out of the cafeteria.
"Aw man! I thought he was going to die!" Monokuma said, popping out of nowhere. He wore some sort of suit.
"Please don't yell at me, or hit me, or I'll be forced to punish you." Monokuma replied. For some reason, he started dancing.
"Why did you think he was going to die?" I asked.
"I set his alarm for him to take his pills 3 minutes after it was supposed to go off." Monokuma laughed.
"I mean... I sort of wanted to show you guys I wasn't joking..." Monokuma replied.
"B- but... didn't you prove that when you shot Pengin?" I asked.
"Ya, but it's not as encouraging as a human death!" Monokuma giggled. "Human death"!? Having a minigun is enough to set people into a panic! I thought. Was everyday going to be like this?

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