Chapter 3 Part 1: Strength of a Murderer

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I couldn't tell which one of their executions was worse. Tomio's, or Asahi's. But... afterwards... I felt like Tomio was innocent. It didn't matter anyway. He was dead. No doubt about it.

I walked into the elevator. I was traumatized like always. Wakusei was staring at the ground. He looked like he felt guilty.

I walked out of the elevator. I fell to the ground. I didn't have the strength to get up. I didn't want to. I mean... if all your friends drop like flies... why shouldn't I?

I felt someone pick me up and sit me on the couch. I didn't know who it was... but I didn't care. I didn't want to move.

"Takahashi... please don't lose hope." Someone said. I looked back at who it was after I got the strength. It was Kira.
"What's the point...." I asked. Kira held my hand.
"Just because our friends have died... just because they ended each others lives... doesn't mean you should give up. You still have a life worth living. Live on for their sacrifices. Please!" She replied. She was tearing up.
"You know... Tomio was going to find a way to get us all out..." I explained. "I guess he didn't live up to his promises..."
"I don't think killing someone is very helpful." Kira replied.
"Hello!" Monokuma yelled out of nowhere.
"AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Kira screamed.
"Aw, you're just so exited to see me! That's so nice! But that's not why I wanted to come here. Please head to hallway two!" Monokuma explained.
"No thanks Monokuma." Katon said. I turned to look up.
"When did you show up?" I asked.
"Only a moment ago." Katon replied.
"Why doesn't anyone want to investigate the hallways!" Monokuma questioned.
"Because it's just gonna end up killing us!" I responded.
"How are you so sure of that? I mean, you could survive. Are you saying you want to die?" Monokuma asked.
"What? No! Of course not! Stop misinterpreting things!" I yelled.
"Maybe we should go..." Katon thought aloud.
"A- are you crazy!? We could die!" I responded.
"Maybe so... but if you think about it, we could find something that could helps us get out of here..." Katon explained.
"Yeah! Go through the hallway! Come on!" Monokuma said.
"Are you guys nuts!? I can't let you go through!" Pengin yelled, popping up out of nowhere.
"That's not really your decision..." Katon replied.
"Do you want to die!?" Pengin asked.
"If we're not allowed to go through... why is Ena doing it?" Kira questioned. Pengin turned to look at the hallway. Sure enough, Ena was walking through.
"HEY!!!" Pengin yelled, running over as fast as he could. But like all penguins, he waddled, which made him slower.
"Should we go as well?" Kira asked.
"Yes, we should." Katon replied. I sighed.
"I trust Katon. If he says we should go through, then we go through." I responded. Kira nodded. We all stood up, and started walking through the hallway. Pengin was yelling at Ena. When we walked by, he started chasing after us.

We opened the door. Wait... what? I thought. Infront of us, was a room with exercise equipment. Treadmills, stair masters, bikes, weights, etc.

"I'm confused, why is this here?" Kira asked.
"Jeez, I'm doing you guys a favor." Monokuma replied, popping up out of nowhere. "I thought that maybe you guys would like to work out your body, instead of your words."
"You're just training us to it'll be easier to kill." Katon responded. Monokuma was silent for a moment.
"You know, killing someone is the only way to actually escape, so this is a blessing." Monokuma explained.
"What part of this is a blessing!? You take over my class and start a killing game! This could never be a good thing!" Pengin yelled.
"Aw come on Macaroni! You have to admit this is way more exiting!" Monokuma replied. They started arguing, but I ignored it.
"Yeah, this is my type of place." Ena said, walking in. She had a smirk on her face.

Nothing else was said. We only dispersed. I didn't really know what to do. I decided to explore, just to see if a killing could happen somewhere. Just in case something disappeared during a killing.

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