Chapter 1 Part 6: Clean Up at Party Central

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"..." Ghost girl didn't say anything. She just stood silent, not saying anything. If she wasn't the murderer, she was doing a bad job at showing it.
"So, it's her?" Genki asked.
"Hold on, we can't say anything quite yet. After all, we still have a few things to figure out." Wakusei replied. "So, she stepped on the nail, and ended up running into the photo booth. But, how did the murderer find her? I mean, it was pitch black, and it wouldn't be so easy to find her."
"Wait... Kira and Aiko, you guys said that you used the photo booth a while back?" I said.
"Yes." Aiko replied.
"Well... it's more like we tried instead of actually getting it to work." Kira explained.
"That explains it..." I responded.
"How? I don't understand." Tomio said.
"Awhile ago, during the time we were doing preparations, I went into the photo booth. For some reason, it went off randomly while I was trying to look around. The lights were flashing, and the camera was going off over and over again. That might be why she was caught..." I explained.
"Ok, so let me get this straight..." Tomio began. "The killer waited till the power went out..." "and went to strike..." "and set up a trap so they could take out Mikako..." "but, how would they be able to set up a trap within 2 minutes!?" "That's impossible! Especially for one so planned out and complicated!" Something isn't right... I thought.
"Then... maybe they didn't set it up in 2 minutes." I replied.
"How would that work?" Genki asked.
"Maybe they set up the trap ahead of time! Think about it, if they made it before, then they'd have enough time to take Mikako out!" I explained. "So... it has to be someone who we didn't see for awhile..."
"Oh great Takahashi! How does this help!? Now the list of suspects has gone up!" Ena yelled. "It could even be you!"
"W- what!? Why?" I asked.
"We didn't see YOU for awhile! How can we trust you!?" Ena screamed.
"It couldn't have been him..." Itsuki said.
"Shut up! You're still a major suspect!" Asahi snapped back.
"Let him FINISH!!!" Hana yelled. Everyone became silent.
"Thank you. Alright, as I was about to explain, it couldn't have been Takahashi." Itsuki began. "He was trapped in the kitchen, most likely by the culprit."
"But why would they trap him in there?" Rajin questioned.
"That's easy, to make him a potential suspect for this crime!" Itsuki explained. "The door was blocked my a crowbar bent inside the two of the door handles, and it was very difficult to bend back. So it had to be someone strong..."
"Not necessarily... you guys remember the supply closet?" Rajin asked. Most people nodded. "In the very back, there was a flame thrower. They could have heated up the crowbar, and bent it inside the doors handles."
"You'd probably need to wear gloves for that." Genki replied.
"Exactly, and who wears gloves?" Rajin asked. "Hana Asami and Aiko Mustoko."
"It couldn't have been Aiko, she's to dumb." Ena responded.
"Right, so it has to be Hana." Rajin replied.
"NOW YOU'RE PINNING IT ON ME!?" Hana yelled back.
"Is that a problem?" Rajin questioned. Hana whispered something before folding her arms.
"So... it was Hana Asami?" Kira asked. She seemed like she could barely muster the words out of her mouth.
"I told you! It's not me!" She screamed. She seemed like she was panicking.
"She did point a knife at me..." I replied. She stared at me, anger filling her entire face. She smacked one of her hands down on the podium with rage coursing through her veins. She started to calm down, panting slowly.
"It couldn't have been me..." she said. She looked back at me. "Takahashi, when you walked into the locker room, there was a trap there, correct? Was it attached to the ceiling?"
"Yes?" I answered, not really sure.
"That settles it then. It wasn't me." She replied.
"Why not?" Genki asked.
"I'm to small to reach the ceiling." She explained.
"You could've used a ladder." Rajin responded.
"Monokuma, are there any ladders here?" Hana questioned.
"Aw man... why do you have to ask that? No... there aren't any ladders." Monokuma said.
"Then it wasn't me." Hana replied.
"You could have had an accomplice help you!" Asahi yelled back. A shadow came over Hana's face. She stood still. Everything was silent for a moment.
"Fine..." she said.
"W- wait... you killed Mikako!?" Imoka exclaimed, seeming as if she had just seen a ghost.
"I'd like my accomplice to come out. Come on, tell everyone. Then we can end this quickly." Hana replied. Everyone looked at each other expecting someone to say something. Hana smirked a little, shaking her head. "Now you'll understand, that I'm not the culprit."
"Ok, then who could be the culprit?" Katon asked.
"So far, we have only have a few people that are plausible to being the murderer. Itsuki, ghost girl, Kira, Aiko and maybe Sin'ichi." Genki said.
"Why Sin'ichi?" Tomio questioned.
"Well, I didn't really see him for awhile." Genki responded.
"Very well. I can be one of your suspects, but you might be disappointed to know it's not me." Sin'ichi claimed.
"What about the broken wall? Does that have any significance?" Kira asked.
"I broke the wall. I wanted to see if the walls were sound proof, or had any passage ways." Itsuki explained. "I used the crowbar I got from the door."
"There's something else that's bothering me..." Imoka began. "Under the coffee table, I found a piece of duct tape. I don't know how that plays in, and it's been bothering me."
"I found a knife under there. My guess is that someone was trying to kill me." Hana replied.
"Not necessarily... maybe they left it there for someone else..." Rajin said.
"What? Why?" I questioned.
"Well, maybe they left it there for Mikako. I mean... there was no way to tell if she was going to be in the laundry room. They probably put it there after they saw everyone go into the cafeteria." Rajin explained. "But, when Mikako went to the laundry room, they knew she'd be in there for awhile. Reason being, she didn't want Katon to find her, and wanted to stay with her laundry. So, the culprit decided to set their new plan in motion."
"Ok, so I guess we've got that cleared out of the way... but how does that really help?" Tomio asked.
"That eliminates Kira and Aiko, because they were the first 2 to enter the cafeteria." Rajin said.
"Ok, but we still have no idea who the murderer is!" Ena yelled. "At this point, we're all going to DIE!!!"
"Does it have something to do with anything inside of the photo booth?" Genki asked. "Like maybe the pencil marks, or maybe the camera?"
"Wait... the camera and the pencil scratches?" I repeated. I stopped, and thought for a moment. "So, on the last screen, you can see one letter. And that's the letter S."
"Ok, but what does that have to do with anything?" Imoka asked.
"I don't know, but someone didn't want us to see it. That's made it clear by the pencil marks that now take its place." I explained.
"Maybe... Mikako was trying to send us a message." Itsuki said.
"If they were trying to hide it, that means that it might be part of their name." Hana replied. Suddenly, I knew what was going on.
"There's only one person with a 'S' at the beginning of their name... and that's Sin'ichi." I responded.
"W- what!? That's absurd! A- are we even sure she was writing down a name!?" Sin'ichi asked. "It couldn't have been me! I was with all of you guys in the cafeteria!"
"Yes, but there were 2 minutes to the black out, so you still could have pulled it off and come back." Imoka explained.
"Lies! It's all lies!" Sin'ichi yelled. He seemed like he was panicking. "I would NEVER prey of the defenseless! You're all lying! I- I couldn't have made a complicated plan like that, and neither could I have made a trap like that! It has to be someone else! Everyone, you can't believe it! It's all lies! When would I have even done it!?"
"When you walked into the game room!" I yelled back.
"B- but..." He said.
"Here's what happened!" I began. "When you saw Mikako run into the laundry room, you knew it was the perfect time to strike. You snuck into the janitors closet, and grabbed all the necessary tools for your trap! After finishing that up, you left the game room. You noticed I was in the kitchen, so you used the crowbar that you were going to use to block the cafeteria doors, to lock me in instead! Then, all you had to do was blend in with the rest of the crowd. Unfortunately for you, Itsuki found me in the kitchen, getting rid of the suspicion on me. After the lights went out, you grabbed Katons ninja star and ran into the game room towards the laundry room. But, Mikako knew something was wrong, and ran out of the room. You were hoping at this point for her to run into the locker room. But, she thought through that too! She ran into the game room, accidentally stepping on the nail right infront of the door. Knowing she couldn't run to the cafeteria, she hid in the photo booth. She pulled the nail out of her foot, and tried to stay hidden. When she realized that it could have only been you, she started writing your name on the wall. But, the camera started going off, and the light started flickering. You killed her with the ninja star, hoping that maybe the blame would be put on Katon. During the flickering, he saw the letter written on the wall. You grabbed the pencil, and scribbled it out. But, you failed to notice that a bunch of pictures had been taken. Then you ran back into the cafeteria, disposed of the gloves and pencil, and pretended like you were there the entire time. Isn't that right, Sin'ichi Uyeda!?" I explained. Sin'ichi seemed totally shocked.
"C- come on! Y- you guys honestly can't b- believe that!" Sin'ichi yelled. We all looked around at each other.
"Monokuma, we're ready to cast our votes." Imoka said.
"Alright! Pull the lever, and we'll see if you were correct." Momokuma replied with a little laugh.
"NO!!! NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Sin'ichi yelled. He seemed like he was truly panicking.

I pulled my lever. The one with Sin'ichis face on it. This was it. This could decide if we lived, or if we survived. Either way, at least someone was going to survive. Our little pixel heads spun around. It landed on Sin'ichis, and then a bunch of streamers and recorded applause went off.

"Yep! Sin'ichi was the blackened!" Monokuma laughed.
"Why would you do it Sin'ichi..?" Kira questioned. Sin'ichi was silent, a shadow over his face.
"Monokuma... do I still get the money and house?" Sin'ichi asked.
"Well, yeah, but I don't know what you'd do with it." Monokuma replied. Suddenly, the shadow on Sin'ichis face disappeared. He smiled, tears in his eyes.
"Please... give it to my family..." he said, tears of happiness falling down his face.
"Sin'ichi, why did you do it? You still need to answer." I responded. Sin'ichi sighed, and looked over at everyone.
"My whole life, my family and I have been homeless. I'd make money by fighting people in battles in alley ways. They were like boxing matches except cheaper. I never made enough money for all of us to live good lives though. When Monokuma offered the house and the money... I had to take up the chance. I wanted to kill someone strong... but I knew if I did, Mikako would catch me within a few seconds." Sin'ichi explained. Everyone was silent. He just wanted to help his family get a better life. For some reason, even though he did murder someone, I wanted him to live. "I feel so foolish... so unworthy... please Monokuma... do what you have to do."
"Alright everyone! It's time for the very fun part of the trial! IT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!!!" Monokuma laughed.

Monokuma grabbed out a hammer, and smacked it down on a button. On the little screen, a mini Monokuma walked closer and closer to a mini Sin'ichi. Monokuma started dragging him away. The mini Sin'ichi struggled. "Game Over. Sin'ichi Uyeda has been found guilty, time for the punishment!" Those were the words that appeared on the screen.

Sin'ichi appeared in a metal ring. He was trapped by barbed wire. Suddenly, on the other side, Monokuma appeared. A screen showed up. A picture of boxing gloves, with the words "Street Fight Special: The Ultimate Fist Fighters Execution, Sin'ichi Uyeda".

Sin'ichi got into a fighting position. Suddenly, Monokuma disappeared from his spot. Monokuma suddenly appeared again, punching Sin'ichi really hard. Sin'ichi flew into the air. He was about to land, when Monokuma appeared behind him and punched Sin'ichi back up into the air.

Suddenly, you couldn't see Monokuma at all. Sin'ichi was in the air, and as if an invisible person were hitting him, he moved back and forth. He looked like he was being punched over and over again.

He fell to the ground, and started dragging himself with one hand to the fence. He looked up, and a picture of his family was held there. A smile spread across his face, as he grabbed the photo. He fell down, photo in hand. He didn't move after that. He laid in a pool of his own blood, still having the photo gripped tightly in his hand.

Current state of Students:Mikako Tsubaki: DeadWakusei Fujin: AliveAsahi Shimizu: Alive Sin'ichi Uyeda: DeadKira Chiyoko: AliveTomio Yuudai: AliveRajin Ankoku: AliveGenki Fujita: AliveKaton Motoko: AliveItsuki Haruto: AliveEna Cho: AliveHana Asami:...

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Current state of Students:
Mikako Tsubaki: Dead
Wakusei Fujin: Alive
Asahi Shimizu: Alive
Sin'ichi Uyeda: Dead
Kira Chiyoko: Alive
Tomio Yuudai: Alive
Rajin Ankoku: Alive
Genki Fujita: Alive
Katon Motoko: Alive
Itsuki Haruto: Alive
Ena Cho: Alive
Hana Asami: Alive
Aiko Mustoko: Alive
Imoka Hotaru: Alive
Comet (The Horse): Alive
Ghost Girl: Alive
Takahashi Kondo: Alive

Family photo obtained!

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