10. The Blossom Festival

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Sasuke's POV:

I froze at the sound of her screams echoing the forest. My heart dropped into my stomach, cursing myself for even leaving her. My feet have never moved faster as I ran towards her screams. All I could think about was how I had to save her. It dawned on me exactly where her screams were coming from and I skid to a stop at the entrance of the Uchiha clan compound.

What could she be doing here?

I quickly ran in, my eyes immediately falling on the two figures standing in plain sight. He was kneeling in front of her with a twisted smirk on his face, "Now who's the monster, Akira?"

She was on her knees, clutching her head, and it was her tears and the sound of her crying that made me run in without even giving it a second thought.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" I growled charging at him.

He easily dodged my attack, twisting around to grab me by my ankle and throw me down onto the ground. My body was rushing with so much adrenaline I didn't even pay attention to the pain. Instead I was right back up on my feet, throwing punch after punch to try and drive him away from her. The way he moved was so unbelievably quick, it made me feel like I was just fighting the air.

"Hn, you again. Why am I not surprised?"

I quickly glanced back at her and noticed she was still crying on the ground.

"What did you do to her?" I asked angrily.

He dodged my last punch, countering it with a punch of his own that hit me square in the jaw. I tumbled onto the ground, this time actually feeling the pain radiate through me.

"I simply just showed her the truth." He came close to me shoving my face into the ground and whispering into my ear, "You might want to think twice about who you risk your life for. She isn't exactly the saint you believe she is, Sasuke."

With that he let me go, walking away and disappearing. I thought about chasing after him but I had more important things to worry about. I made my way over to Akira and gently took her hands in mine pulling them from her face.

"Hey. Hey what's wrong?"

She looked up at me, eyes wide with tears streaming down her cheeks, "S-Sasuke. I-I."

She couldn't even look up at me without crying harder. "It's ok," I hesitantly took her into my arms holding her trembling body close against me. I had to get her back home. She had stopped crying atleast by the time I had gotten her back, but her body just wouldn't stop trembling. She sat on her couch hugging her knees against her chest, staring off into space.

"Akira...what did he do to you?" 

Her dull, now grey colored eyes, looked at me briefly before squeezing shut, "I-I can't...," her voice quivered, "I can't even close my eyes without seeing it." 

It came to the point where she had exhausted herself from all her crying and she slowly began to drift off into a light sleep. I paced the living room silently, watching her sleep, hoping she was finding a little more peace in her dreams.

I didn't know what to do with her. It was a horrible feeling watching her suffer like this and not know what to do to help her. Of course, it would help if she told me what was wrong in the first place.

It was a moment before I realized her eyes were open and watching me, "You don't have to stay with me, Sasuke."

"I know that..." Yet there was no way I was leaving her.

"Thank you for coming back for me...but I'll be fine now."

The way her eyes looked, so haunted and empty, told me otherwise. Something very bad had happened to her and I knew by now she wasn't going to tell me. No. Not until she was ready. Yet I couldn't leave her on her own. Not with him still out there.

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