Chapter 8

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(Pic not mine)

Clara POV

"Kids! I'm going out!"

"Mom, can we go with you?", the kids came downstairs.

"Sure, just get ready"

A few minutes later.

"Let's goo!", Elizabeth and Chris said simultaneously.

~A time skip brought to you by online classes~

(They went to a park which had a café near by)

No one's POV now

Clara went to the Café while the kids stayed in the park. On the same day, Charlie wanted to visit the park. Micheal, William, and Henry went with her. Of course, Terrance went with them just invisible (Keep in mind that Charlie went to her teenage form while Elizabeth was still in her child form)

When Charlie, Will, Hen and Mike arrived there. They all walked around for a bit. Chris and Liz were at the swings.

Chris' POV

"Chris, does your animatronic form perform in any places? I've never seen Shadow Freddy anywhere."

"Well.. Shadow Freddy doesn't perform. He just, in the shadows", I replied, giggling at the last sentence I said. Elizabeth did the same.

"Heh... You're lucky..", Liz mumbled

"It's because you're Circus Baby, right?"

"Yeah.. I have go to the the Circus every night."

"Don't forget what you've done..", I shot at her

"Wh-wha- I don't know what you a-are talking about.."

"Liz, I know everything.."

"...change the subject...", Liz mumbled again

"Fine", So I changed the subject to

"Have you ever realized that we died before we finished school so we are dumb?"

"Gasp You are calling me dumb!", Lizzy said joking 

"Yep!", I said back

"Well, you called yourself dumb aswell", Liz said almost making a 'UwU' face

I gasped aswell and we both burst out laughing

Liz stopped laughing and was looking behind me.

"Liz? What's wron-", I turned around and saw Micheal with Dad, Mr. Henry and Charlie.

Oh no, This can't be good.


Apologies for this chapter being short! Recently, I've been very busy and my exams are next week so I'll try to update as much as possible before my exams. I hope you people understand! Bye, Stay Safe!

336 words.

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