Thirty one: Bail

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I was walking to the parking lot where I was meeting my parents. Even though I'm adult they are still making me come home. I was going to do online school till things rolled over. We were definitely the headlines of every news broadcast.  

"Sam" I heard Noah say

"Not going to talk to you today or tomorrow or even next week" I said turning around to face him.

"Plus my parents are waiting, I'm going home" I said sighing

"Wait really?" Noah asked

"Yeah, the school approved Lexi moving into Luke's dorm for safety reasons and my parents want me home" I said

"No one is even allowed in our old dorm" I said laughing

"Hey, I got your last bag out of the dorm" Grayson said coming up behind Noah.

"Thanks" I said

"I'll go put it in the car" Grayson said smiling

"You could have asked me to help" Noah said

"We aren't really on talking terms" I said as I saw someone with a camera coming out to Noah and I.

"Can I ask you a few questions, Samantha" The news reporter asked

"She's good" Grayson said coming over

"I just want to know your input on Michael getting bailed out" He said

"What?" Noah asked

"You didn't hear?" The news reporter asked

"I wouldn't say what if I did" Noah said

"Michael's parents bailed him out, yesterday" He said

"How much?" I asked

"Around four grand" He said

"Sam, we need to get going" I heard my mom yell

"Thanks for helping Gray" I said giving him a hug

"Yeah" Gray said and I smiled walking away, knowing that I was leaving Noah.


I stood there as her parent's car drove away. The reporter walked away and I could see Grayson's eyes on me. I finally looked at him and he was glaring at me.

"What do you want? Want to tell me how I'm a shitty person, I get it" I said

"I'm not going to say anything" Grayson said

"You want to go get coffee, I have to start my shift and I can give you a free one" Grayson said

"Sure" I said following him. I could see Michael at the coffee shop and I sighed

"Is he really showing his face?" I asked

"He probably has to get his stuff. He's expelled no matter what" Grayson said

"I probably shouldn't walk over there" I said

"Why?" He asked

"I might punch him" I said

"I mean I support it" Grayson said laughing

"It's fine, let's just go in" I said walking over to the door

"I'm sorry I need to do something then I will meet you back here" I said to Grayson

"Dude" Gray said and I walked away. I walked back to my dorm, I fumbled through trying to grab my keys. 

"Fuck it" I said and I pulled my phone out and called Sam. She didn't pick up and I tried to call her five more times and she never picked up. I walked back to the coffee shop.

"Dude" Grayson said and I walked to him.

"Phone please?" I asked and Grayson pulled it out.

"Why?" He asked

"I need to talk to Sam before I lose her" I said, he unlocked his phone and gave it to me. I walked out of the coffee shop and found her contact. I called her waiting for her to pick up.

"Gray?" I hear Sam ask

"Sam, please before you hang up. Let me say something" I said

"Noah" She said

"Fine, talk"  She said

"I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you, you are the one who made me want to settle down. I haven't even know you for long but I would take a bullet for you and I know that. I was scared that you were going to pick Michael over me. I'm so sorry cause I know it isn't true. I fucking love you" I said

"Noah, I'm not perfect either" Sam said

"But I'm okay with that" I said

"I love you too" Sam said

"I might have talked to your parents before we got into this fight and they said that I could stay with you guys for protection. Maybe that offer still stands and I can come back" Sam said

"Yes, come back please. I got you" Noah said

"Then I guess I'm coming home. I should be back tomorrow. I will bring my car with" Sam said

"I love you so god damn much" I said

"I love you so so much too" Sam said laughing

"I guess I should move out of my dorm now" I said

"Probably" Sam said 

"I'll call you later tonight" Sam said

"Okay" I said

"I love you" I said

"I love you too" Sam said hanging up the phone. I walked back and gave Grayson his phone back.

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