(19) - Quake, Cyclone, Thunderstorm -

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As the fight outside was getting more rigid, Fang and Wildfire infiltrated the Ship of the enemies, slowing their progress of getting out. "Shadow Talons!" Fang yelled as he destroyed the rear of the ship along with the robots near it. "Ring of Fire!" Wildfire yelled as he destroyed the ships control room. H turned to leave when, "Sand Spike!" Gopal, the bad one, had attacked. Wildfire dodged it, attacking back on his own. "Fire Spike!" He yelled, making the two enemies dodge.

"What is wrong with you!?" He asked as he faced them. "Kotaro, move to the deck and try to control the ship from there." "Yes sir." She said as she rushed out. Gopal and Wildfire faced off each other as the ship shook. "My Lord, you look mighty different here." Gopal said as he closed his eyes. "But, you aren't my Lord in this realm." He said. "Molten Transformation!" Gopal yelled as he made the ground beneath Wildfire melt as they go down to the boiler.

Outside, Fang had jumped back to the station when a large spike of light came and another ship, smaller in comparison to the previous one, came out. Fang had landed when he saw the captain of the ship. Zion, Fang thought as he and the horned alien glared at each other. "Astrostellar!" Fang called and Astrostellar formed a barrier on the agents. Boboiboy, hurry up. Fang thought as he looked at the new enemies coming out.

In Oneiric...

Quake's Oneiric

As Amato stood in the pavement, he walked to a familiar looking house and saw a shocking sight. Boboiboy was a high schooler, he wore his power watch and looked at him in confusion. "B-Boboiboy!" He called. "Who are you? are you mom's friend?" He asked. Amato felt a sting in his heart as he asked that. "D-Don't you remember me? I'm you're dad!" He answered. Boboiboy tilted his head. "I'm sorry, but I saw my father on his death bed years ago. Don't try to pull on my leg." He answered, completely annoyed.

Amato's eyes widen as his son walked pass him and went off. When he was about to call his son out the dreamscape was already changing. He was now in the hospital and looked around. He was shocked by the sight. It was him, dead on the bed with burn marks. "E-Excuse me, what h-happened to him?" He asked the nearby nurses. "Him? He was one of the Space Station's Admiral. He died on his fight with Zion the Universal Terror." The nurse said as he left. Amato was shocked. That name ha hadn't heard of it in awhile. He thought that would come back to haunt him.

"W-why am I?" He asked as the dreamscape changed to the platform and he saw Quake. The Leader of the Elements glared at his owner's father. His eyes glimmered golden brown as it shifted to grey. Amato felt his knees give in and he knelt down. Quake walked towards him and bend down to his level. "How was it Amato? Did it hurt? Didn't you like what it showed? It was very honest with you." Quake said as his eyes were glinted with hatred. Amato looked at him and felt sorry. "I... am sorry, Quake. I'm so sorry." He said as he let tears drop. Quake's eyes glimmered Golden Brown as he smiled. "I already know." He stated as he faded into the darkness...

Thunderstorm's Oneiric...

In mere minutes, Amato was presented with a new dreamscape. He stood up as he saw Tok Aba's Cocoa Shop. He looked around and saw Boboiboy still in high school. Amato walked near him and saw he wasn't alone. He was with Fang, Gopal, and Sai. "I heard what happened with your father." Sai started as he looked at the stoic Boboiboy. "Yeah. I guess he really wanted to leave." Boboiboy said as he smiled. "Boboiboy--" "--I'm fine. I barely spent time with that man." He snapped at them.

Gopal looked at him worried and shook his head. "That man? won't you have enough courtesy to call him father at least." Gopal said and Boboiboy scoffed at he looked at his grandfather serving some of the townsfolk his cocoa. "He was never my father. He may as well have called me an adoptive son. I'd prefer to be that than call than ignorant man my father." Boboiboy said as his friends stared at him worried. "I'll be fine. don't worry about it." Boboiboy said as he stood up and left. Amato was again heartbroken by his own son's words.

As the area changed, Boboiboy looked at his power watch. "Boboiboy Decasplit!" He called, but he didn't transform into 10, but only 7 came out. Boboiboy Quake clenched his hand as he didn't see Shadow, Metal, and Eclipse out. Thunderstorm looked at Amato as the area changed back to platforms. "I'm showing you disappointments. You ignorant man didn't get enough criticism. Have some from your own son." Thunderstorm's words pierced into Amato as he looked at him. "You deserved to bleed. A baboon like you should never exist. A man who chose work over his own child's safety. Even when his wife was leaving him." He said as he glared at the elder.

"I could never forgive you for what you did. Fix your idiotic mess with the two and by then, I will forgive you." Thunderstorm said as he faded into the darkness. Amato was again pulled into another Dreamscape...

Cyclone's Oneiric...

As he looked around he was seeing the younger Boboiboy playing with the kids he saw before. The bullies he saw previously were Boboiboy's friends alongside Daniel. Their hair was darker and Boboiboy's white hair streak was gone. "W-Why--" "Boboiboy! Daniel! Time to go home!" A deep voice called from behind. Amato looked behind him and saw himself, wearing a suit and tie.

"Dad! When did you get home!?" Boboiboy asked as he was lifted into his father's arms. "Yesterday. I'll be staying for a week now." He answered. "Great! You'll me and Boboiboy's soccer game! We made into the semi's!" Daniel stated as they walked off. Amato walked forward only to see a door. He entered it and he saw himself fighting alongside Boboiboy. They were fighting robots as they chuckled at their finished battle. Amato walked closer only to have everything he saw disappear into Cyclone. The element who was considered the happiest was showing a grim expression.

"You'll disappear soon Amato." Cyclone stated as his eyes glimmered blue. "I want to say I'm sorry. So sorry. Quake..." He said as he looked at the element smile. "Cyclone..." The element smiled as his eyes formed a crescent. "And Thunderstorm." He finished as the element stared at him with a small smile. The three glimmered as they were being called out  of the Oneiric. "Bye, Amato." Thunderstorm said. "You must hurry. the three will be you're key to leave here." Quake said as they disappeared immediately..

Outside the Oneiric...

Fang the Elements, alongside the Gang, were dealing with the enemies' elites. "Find the Leader!" Cosmicburst yelled as he destroyed the summoner of the mutants. Astrostellar was busy with defending TAPOPS with Freezeglaze. Zion stared at them as he walked down to TAPOPS, avoiding them all. His Scythe summoned, he was about to destroy the barrier when...

"Boboiboy!--" "Look out!" They all called out. Zion was about to hit when. "I am... Boboiboy! Earthquake!/Stormstrike!/Whirlwind!" The three yelled as they rushed towards the stations. Stormstrike sliced Zion away from the barrier. Whirlwind came to the enemies. "Wind Pressure Point!" He yelled as he destroyed the summoned mutants. Earthquake grasped the summoner and knocked them out. "Freezeglaze! Cover them!" Earthquake yelled. Freezeglaze breathed out cold air. "Temperature! Absolute Zero!" He yelled as the barrier was covered in spikes and no longer translucent.

Zion and Stormstrike glared at each other. "So... you made it." Zion said with a smirk as Stormstrike followed in suit...

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