You hurt me

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You were unaware of how much time had passed, but you still remained ghostly quiet, immobile in the same position.


'Why did he do this?"

'Why didn't he leave that place to start with?'

'Why wasnt he back home already?'

'Did I really not satisfy him?'

'That's what the reporter said so it must be true...'

'Still it hurts.'

Your mind was spiraling, your face clear from any emotion as the tears had dried down on your swollen face. A loud ring snapped you out of your trance.

'Is it him?'

The screen showed the caller, it was not your fiancé, but your brother. You didn't know if it was relief or disappointment you felt blooming from your chest.
You index tapped the answer button and slipped the device to your ear with trembling hands.

"H-hello...? Why are you-u calling is  it about Mizu-chan? Is she alright?" You knew what this was about but you didn't want to face reality yet. Some part of you hoped your brother didn't see the humiliating news.

"Of course this is not about Mizumi,    y/n. I need to know if bird brat is back at your house."

'So he knows.'

'Obviously he knows, you idiot, everyone saw it on national television.'

"Listen, y/n, I know you must be upset but please answer." His voice started to grow irritated. "Is that two faced bitch home yet? Yes or no, (nickname), I need you to tell me."

"Why?" Your voice was barely above a whisper.

"What do you mean why? So I can pluck his feathers off like the chicken he is! Who knows? I could even sell them to that fucking club he was at so they make costumes out of it." He let out a sour laugh and you could hear Mizumi's silvery voice telling him to calm down in the background.

"He's not." Your voice no longer trembled, it came out flat and soulless.

He mumbled a few curses before sighing.
"I'm telling mom to cancel everything, don't worry about it Nee-san, ok?" You nodded, not emitting a sound.

'So this is really happening... months of planning down the drain.'

Ren knew something was off, he could here your breath at the other side of the line but not a single word from you.
"Hey remember, this is not your fault. The stupid reporter knows nothing and him being a lying scumbag has nothing to do with you, ok?" The concern in his voice forced you to respond, even if it was only a 'm-hm.'

"At least we got to see this before the wedding." He said, the last word sounded like venom spilling out of his tongue.  "That way you can leave before things develop even more."

Your eyes travelled down to your stomach, there was no visible sign of pregnancy. Yet.

'Nii-san will be so disappointed in me.'

"You are breaking up with shithead, right?"

"Ren... I-I still love him," It made your heart ache a little knowing that your brother was not wrong.

" I know, but you can't stay with someone like him."

"I know..." you choked  out, you felt each letter cut through your vocal chords.

Fallen  (Dabi x Reader x Hawks)Where stories live. Discover now