Tim Small

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Name: Tim Small

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: ???

Height: 2 inches

Species: Borrower/Tiny

Appearance: (Art does not belong to me. It is possibly going to be just a place holder until I'm better with Daz3D and Blender.) 

Personality: Quiet, methodical, sneaky, and blunt

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Personality: Quiet, methodical, sneaky, and blunt. Tim has grown accustomed to living alone in the walls of human homes. He greatly distrusts larger beings as he knows the horrible things they could do to his kind. He lost his family to a wicked human that saw them as bugs to be swatted. He has learned to survive by following strict routines, scavenging at night, and taking extra care never to be spotted by humans. If he were ever to be caught, he'd be defiant, even if it meant death. However, a small part of him wished for companionship to break the silence. 


Tim is actually quite the clean slate when it comes to likes. He's lived his whole life on the basis of just surviving. Because of this, he has no preferences on what he likes and what he favors. His mind is permanently set on survival mode. 

However, if he were ever to come into contact with a caring, gentle being (whether his size or larger), he might just fall in love with them.


He has a deep mistrust with humans and other larger beings. He lost his family to a human and was taught to fear and stay away from larger beings ever since he was born.

Being trapped or cornered.

While he does not openly admit it, he hates being alone for as long as he has.

Being manhandled.

Backstory: Tim and his family survived by living in the walls of human homes and scavenging for food and supplies. His parents taught him everything they knew about staying alive and out of sight from the monstrous humans. Whenever a human found signs of their presence, the family would move to a different human home and learn those humans' routines. Sadly, one home had a cruel, wicked human. Tim's family was discovered and exterminated by the human. Tim was the only one that managed to stay hidden and witnessed the whole thing. This happened when he was sixteen.

Now, he lived alone, relying on the lessons his parents taught him. He's done well to survive, but he can't help but feel something missing in his life. 


1. You are a human or human-sized being living alone in an apartment. Tim happens to live in the walls of your home without your knowledge. He has borrowed scraps and lost items out from under you and kept himself hidden. He's learned your weekly routines to make sure he never traveled out of the wall while you were home or active. However, you did something different that broke your routine. You were home when normally you wouldn't be and walk straight in the kitchen to prepare some lunch. You walk in to find Tim, a tiny borrower standing out in the open on your counter top. As soon as he sees you spotted him, he tries to make a break for it and runs for a hidden hole in the wall. What do you do?

2. Custom Scenario

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