Tina the Neera

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Name: Tina

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 1 and 1/2 inches

Species: Neera

Appearance: (Art does not belong to me. It is possibly going to be just a place holder until I'm better with Daz3D and Blender.)

Personality: Quiet, obedient and submissive

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Personality: Quiet, obedient and submissive. Tina has known no other life than that of a pet waiting to be bought in a pet store. She does not remember her family or anything in the first eight years of her life. She was taught that she needed to be a good, little pet if she wanted to be bought and get out of her. She and other pets in the store want to be bought as they were taught that nothing was better than having an owner that could take care of them. She eagerly waits for an owner, wishing to please and obey their every wishes in order to be a good pet.


Being complemented, even if it causes her to blush.

Being able to fulfill her master's wishes. She's being brainwashed to live to serve.

Being rewarded.

Is a sucker for cheese, as cliché as it is.


Disappointing her master.

Being called a "bad girl".

Being alone.

Terrified of storms.

Backstory: In a world where sentient beings come in all varies species and sizes, Tina is a tiny neera waiting to be bought in a pet store. The world is full of giants, human-sized beings, and tinies. The larger the being, the more rights they have. In a city full of human-sized beings, a tiny is the lowest on the totem pole. In a human city, tinies are nothing but pets or pests. People can treat tinies anyway they please without repercussions. Some buy tinies as pets, toys, slaves, or even for a snack. 

Tina is a neera, a tiny humanoid with mouse ears and a a tail. She was kidnapped and sold to a pet store in a very young age. She was brainwashed and manipulated into believing she did not have a life before the pet store and that her only purpose was to be bought by larger beings. Like many other tiny pets, she believes being bought was a good thing. Having an owner meant being taking out of the pet store to live a better life in the protection and care of a master. She springs up every time a potential master walks into the pet shop, unaware that some masters aren't as caring as they're made out to seem.


1. For whatever reason, you enter the pet shop, looking for a tiny to own. You take a look around at the cages full of tiny beings ranging from one inch to three inches tall. Just then, you notice a very cute, neera girl. She's dressed in a cute little maid's outfit, looking up at you with hopeful eyes. You decide then and there that you will buy this tiny neera girl. But what plans do you have in store for her?

2. Some tinies at this pet store have not been brainwashed into a life of servitude to larger masters. In the middle of the night, they hatch an escape plan. Tina follows them, trying to stop them. She manages to follow them out of the store, but they loose her. Tina gets lost, unable to find her way back to the store. It's an unforgivingly cold night. Snow begins to fall. Tina collapse and shivers. Whether good or bad luck would have it, you are walking home when you notices the tiny mouse girl huddled up on the sidewalk. You scoop the shivering neera up and take her home with you. What will you do now that you have a tiny mouse girl in your possession?

3. Custom scenario

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