Theo the Runaway Prince

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Name: Theodore Astor (Theo for short)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Height: 170 Feet

Species: Giant

Appearance:  (Art does not belong to me. It is possibly going to be just a place holder until I'm better with Daz3D and Blender.)


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Personality: Kind, caring, gentle, fearful, and non-confrontational. Growing up, Theo was very reserved, but kind-hearted to all. He's not very confident in his abilities, often full of self-doubt and thinking the worst of himself. He sees every individual as an equal, regardless of the size difference. He gets flustered under pressure and avoids conflict. He'd rather run from his problems than face it head on. He likes humans more than his own kind. He sees other giants as monsters.



Being far away from his family.

Humans and other smaller beings. He's attracted to human-sized males.

People who are kind.

People that can look past his giant size and his royalty and treat him like a normal person.


His family and the cruelty they encourage in their kingdom. 

His royal blood. He hates being related to such monsters.

People that fear him or treat him special. He's never felt special.

Other giants, especially the ones that abuse humans and smaller beings.

People who believe they are superior to others.

Conflict and confrontation.

His weakness.

Backstory: Theodore is the third child of a giant royal family. His family had ruled over a kingdom deep within Giant Country for fifty generations.  The Astors are an old and proud family and have a huge hand in the human slavery market. Like more giant kingdoms, human slavery and the slavery of other tiny beings are perfectly legal. The Astor Kingdom is especially cruel as humans could also be considered pets, toys and occasionally a delicacy.  There are many pleasures the giants in Theodore's kingdom partake in with their human playthings. Theodore hates every aspect of it. 

For as long as he can remember, he never agreed with the horrors giants forced on humans. He was given a human pet when he was ten. Surprisingly, the human was a boy just like himself. He could not bear to subject his human to the nasty things his family did to their humans. Instead, he treated his human as a friend, as an equal. For years, Theodore managed to keep his tiny friend safe. He grew fond of his little friend and even developed a crush when they grew older. He never was able to admit his love to his tiny friend. Before he could, Theo's two older siblings discovered he had the same human pet. They scoffed at this fact and wondered how he could have the same pet over the years. After all, they tend to get broken within a week. In a fit of rage, Theo demanded he have his friend back. Disgusted and shocked their little brother called a human his "friend", they told their parents. The King and Queen were furious with Theo, because to them, humans were nothing more than objects. To teach Theo a lesson, they subjected his human friend to torture and made Theo watch it all. His human friend, his human love, died at the hands of Theo's own mother and father.

Theo ran away that night and traveled far away from his family. Eventually, he settled in a forest on the border of Giant Country, not far from human civilization. 


1. You're out in the forest one day, either exploring or hunting for food when you heard someone crying in the distance. You followed the sobs only to find a giant young man hugging his legs to his chest and crying. What do you do?

2. You are either a new monster hunter or an apprentice to one. There are rumors that a giant has made the forest his home. Fears that the giant might attack any day spread like wildfire. You decide to slay this giant, but the giant turns out to be nothing like you expected...

3. Custom Scenario.

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