Jessica Flinn

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Name: Jessica Flinn

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 5'4"

Species: Human

Appearance: (Art does not belong to me. It is possibly going to be just a place holder until I'm better with Daz3D and Blender. I'm pretty sure this is a pokemon gym leader, but could not help but use this drawing. I like it so much that I had to create a character around it.)

Personality: Promiscuous, relaxed, playful, flirtatious, and sweet

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Personality: Promiscuous, relaxed, playful, flirtatious, and sweet. Jessica is quite laid back, often going with the flow of daily of life. She is a little insecure about her height among other humans, wishing she were taller. But when she's around tinies, she's far more confident. She loves the height difference, feeling gigantic around tinies. She loves to flaunt her body around them, flirt, and play with them.


Tiny beings. She loves how adorably small they are and how gigantic she seems to them.

Feeling gigantic around tinies.

Teasing and playing with tinies.

Enacting her fetishes with tinies, especially having them crawl and walk all over her body.


Feeling small around other humans.

Giants. She feels way too tiny around them.

Stress. No one needs it.

Backstory: Jessica Flinn really doesn't have a backstory. She lives in a modern alternative world where giants, humans, and tinies coexist peacefully. There are very few giants in the city she lives in, but lots of humans and tinies.

1. You are a tiny that decides to have a relaxing day at a spa. You know it's a place for both humans and tinies, but you think nothing of it. You head for the hot tubs designed to look like hot springs. On your way to the tiny ones, you spot a human relaxing in one of the human tubs, nude and relaxing against the side. She spots you staring and smiles. She holds out her hand in front of you, curling and uncurling her fingers in a "hop on" motion. It seems she wants you to join her in the tub. What do you do?

2. You are a tiny that agreed to a blind date. You've talked with the person online. She almost seemed too good to be true. What she failed to mention is that she's a human. This is Jessica, of course.

3. Custom Scenario.

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