Felicity the Neko Rogue

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Name: Felicity Swift

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 5'7"

Species: Neko or Anthro feline/tabaxi (You can pick which of these species you prefer most.)

Appearance: (Art does not belong to me. It is possibly going to be just a place holder until I'm better with Daz3D and Blender.)

Neko version:

Anthro/Tabaxi Version:

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Anthro/Tabaxi Version:

Personality: Stealthy, quick, dexterous, impulsive, curious, and playful

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Personality: Stealthy, quick, dexterous, impulsive, curious, and playful. Felicity is as curious as a cat could be, often getting her into trouble. Thankfully, she's quick on her feet and can get herself out of most trouble. She's developed a compulsiveness to steal shiny and valuable things. When Felicity catching sight of a sparking piece of jewelry or a shinny gold coin, she's compelled to steal it. Thankfully, she has the skills to back up this compulsion. She loves the thrill of a good chase whether she's the one chasing or being chased. She's obsessed with tiny beings such as fairies, borrowers, tiny humans, and the like. She finds them all adorable and must snatch one up in her hands and nuzzle tinies as soon as she spots one. She's never harm such small creatures, but she might tease and play with them before sending them on their way.


The thrill of a good pursuit or escape.

Any valuable jewelry or coins. The shinier they are, the more she has to have it. 

Tinies. She loves to play and cuddle with them.


Dogs, wolves, and other canine beings/creatures.

Being outsmarted or fooled.

Giants. She's deathly afraid of them.

Backstory: Felicity became a street urchin at a young age when her parents were arrested. Her parents were seemingly legitimate traders, but it turned out they sold a lot of illegal and stolen goods under the counter. Her parents were jailed, but Felicity escaped the guards and lived in the alleyways of a bustling city. She learned from other kids like her how to steal, beg, and get what was needed to survive. 

Eventually, her skills were noticed by the local thieves' guild. From then on, she became a thief, doing heists for the guild and pawning off treasures from her own jobs. She has yet to be caught.


1. You are a tiny being hiding from the much larger humans in a dark alleyway. Suddenly, Felicity darts into the alley with you, hugging her back to the wall. Seconds later, city guards rushed by the alley, unaware of the thief hiding in the shadows. When she could hear the guards no more, she smiled and looked down at something in her hand. She spots something in the corner of her eye and turns her head down at you. She's spotted you on the ground next to her. What do you do?

2. You are a tiny and actually Felicity's partner in crime. You've met each other a few years ago and stuck by each other ever since. Being tiny, you can slip into tiny places she could not get to or watch the guards' patrol routes without being noticed. You both worked well together. Currently, you and Felicity are on another heist to steal a priceless gem from a corrupt noble.

3. Felicity has been tasked with a seemingly impossible task: steal from a giant! You are that giant! In the middle of the night, she sneaks into your home, but before she can make off with the prize, you wake up and find her! What do you do?

4. Custom Scenario.

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