New Student

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This is first fanfic book. And my English is kinda bad and weird.
And I doubt people will read this. Nyohohohohoho.

(Brought to you by Ned acting as Elsa and end up being scold by MJ)

Peter's Pov

Oh man! Dude! Bro! Im going to be late! Why Mr.Stark prank me with Jello in my chocolate drink early in the morning!

It's Fucking 7.20! I'm going to be so late! Arghhhh!!!!

Peter swing out from The Avenger tower and don't bother to hear Captain America scoldings him at the back.

"Peter! Swing to school! Don't be late!" He shout out.
"He already late Cap." Sam said while sipping the hot tea, and Clint hitting the Cheetos with potato finger.

Steve shake his head and then said. "Maybe next time we should send him to school."

"No Capsicle. He going to be so angry because he can't go to school. He said it will be an embrassing state." Tony laugh while fixing Morgan hair.

Its already 4 month after everyone back to being Avenger again. But with new breath.

Natasha and Tony survive.

Bruce snap manage to bring back all people that turn into dust. In his little heart, he wish the lovely Russian Ex Assassin come back. Eventhough he knew it will not happen. But it happened.

Natasha got dump into a place where all people have blue skin and fin kinda head.

She gasp loudly as she try to calm her heart down. "Where am I? Are not I supposed to die?" She touch her body, hoping it just a dream. She can feel every touch. One of the Centaurian girl walk toward her and give her a small but warm hug.

"We going to send you down. Back to Earth. Just if you willing to wait for Sir Obfonteri here with us." Said an older woman. Natasha smile sweetly as her tears fall down. She leave there for a week before Kraglin decided to sent her all way back to Earth.

Tony don't die.
Well. He do.
Like 10 minutes. And then Thor cry loudly, emerging a very big thunder and struck the ground hard. At first, people keep on grieving and Steve pick Tony dead body up, just to end up putting him back to the ground after the spark of blue light flickering in his reactor.

"That?! Thor! Hit the ground again!" Bruce shout. Thor nod and once again hit the ground hard.

Tony eyes flickered open widely as he gasp for breath. Peter at the back stare in disbelief before he collapsed to the ground from blood loss and shock.

Half of Tony body take a very big damage. His right arm don't work that well. He can move his finger, but the doctor said that he need to work out the damage nerves back. His leg got wreck really bad. But he still manage to walk. Slowly. His face now have a very big burn scar. But still. Pretty face still there. (Flip pinky up)

Steve chuckle as he grab his water bottle and head up to the gym. "Sam! Hurry up. I'm going to left you behind." As he step into the elevator.

"Can Morgan go too?" The 5 years old girl jump off from the kitchen table and run slowly to the elevator. Sam chuckled as the little Stark waiting patiently for the answer.

"Well. How it is Tones?" Steve ask. Tony grab his forearm crutch and walk slowly toward Morgan back.

"Can you handle the princess?"

Steve and Sam laugh and nod.

"Yeah. Go ahead and have fun with the Uncles here. Have a great day sweetie." Tony kiss Morgan forehead and let her follow Steve and Sam.

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