Field Trip 2

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(Tony shoot Clint with watermelon seed after he accidentally prank Morgan with cucumber.)

Avenger Tower

"Do you serve black coffee here?" Nina ask. Ignoring all the gasping at the background.

Peter nod and point out his finger to the vending machine. "Ugh. They have black coffee. Just choose which bean and give it to canteen worker." Peter said. Nina nod and walk toward vending machine and do the instruction.

Mr.Harrington shake his head. "Okay everyone. Hurry up and eat your lunch. We will go to conference room in 10 minutes."

Everyone nod and continue eating. Peter sigh and gobble up his lunch. Nina come back with a cup of black coffee. "Ahh... This is good bean."
Conference Room.

Tony sit on the chair after finishing his work. He just wear his grey shirt and black jeans pant. Not even bother to wear the suit his assistant ask him to.

After a while, Steve and Sam enter the room. Follow by Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Bucky, Bruce and lastly the Asgard Prince or should we call King. Thor enter the room with a bowl of pop tarts.

"Thor!!!" Sam and Steve.
"Thunder man!" Tony.
"Electric boy!" Clint.

"Hey everyone. How's your daily life as a Mirgadian?" Thor then think again with his questions. "Ugh. I'm still what did you call. Sick of the jet." Thor sit on the chair.

"It's Jet-lag Thor." Natasha laugh.

"When did you arrive?" Steve ask. He then sit in the middle of the front chair. "Yeehhhhh. I arrive just. Like. 2 hours ago." Thor reply while munching away his Pop tart.

"Sir. The CEO of Royal Guard finish signing their confidential form." One of the guard inform Tony. Tony nod and ask them to lead the guest into the room.

"Royal Guard? As the one that supply weapon for Asia government?" Steve ask. Tony nod. "Yeah. They want to cooperate with us. And create some device for them to use in their mission." Tony said.

"Weapon?" Steve look worried. He knows Tony don't want to create any weapon anymore. He had enough of it.

"They said no tho. Maybe just some device for communication or information hacking." Tony sigh. He don't want same thing happened like the last time he in Afghanistan.

"Boss. The touring group already arrived." FRIDAY inform. Tony nod and ask the AI to lead the kids in. At the same time, the door on the left open up, revealing three man in suit. One with red inner button up shirt. Another one with blue suit and the other with black. Looking like a bodyguard.

"How is it?" Tony ask. The guy with red shirt smile and give a thumb up. "Everything is good now. My father is a little angry right now. I don't want to talk to him. At least for a month." The man reply. He then sit down on the chair at the left of the front desk.

"It's going to hurt you bad Ryouma. Mr.Young don't favor you going to California last week." A man in blue suit said. Ryouma chuckled. "Haha. Let him be. That's what happened when he make me absent for my test day." Ryouma flip up his phone. Checking all messages. When he stop and gasp on the one particulars message. He closed his phone and stare on the conference main door.

"Please behave yourself. When you want to ask, put your hand up. And don't rush the question. Have fun!" Sandy then open up the main door and the group being greet by the Avenger.

"Hey everyone. Have a sit." Tony with his celebrity attitude greet the student first. All the student walk and sit excitedly. Each one of them stare at the superheroes in front.

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